Thursday, 10 August 2017 - 19:05
Hi Sisterhood. My daughter is in year 2, she is seven turning 8 in March. She is really behind in school. They are doing some cognitive testing next week to see if something is going on. She has been at this school since prep and it's always been an issue that is only being dealt with now. I am...
Friday, 4 August 2017 - 13:36
Hi ladies! I'm a mother of two young children (3 & 6 years old) I really really want to study midwifery but I'm so worried that I'm not smart enough, maths and science were my worst subjects in school that I really struggled with, I also struggle with the idea of such serious studies and having...
Wednesday, 2 August 2017 - 15:29
Hi mums (& dads), My 3 yr old keeps getting referred to as "gifted". I did my best to try and not read too much into it as we all think our children are pretty special, however, now his child care teacher and our GP have mentioned it. If it is true, I would love to nurture it. If it's not, I'm...
Wednesday, 2 August 2017 - 09:21
Sons teacher made me feel like a d**k today. I didn't know who to post this to but here goes... So about 6 weeks ago I had my son taken to a GP to get diagnosed for ASD and ADHD. The GP then referred us to a specialist ped and the ped said he had high functioning autism and ADHD. After that I told...
Saturday, 29 July 2017 - 16:34
Just wondering who else has completed the STAT test form entry into university? How difficult was it?
Friday, 28 July 2017 - 20:31
I'm 40 and seriously considering changing careers. I have recently felt quite a lot of anxiety regarding my current career stability. With the constant innovation of computers software and apps - I really don't think there will be a need for my job within the next 10 years. I have actually always...
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 - 09:22
Hi my 7yr old has struggled with schooling this yr mostly he is in grade 2 ,his teacher is struggling to get him focused and to even do his school work, can be interruptive through class , talks to much , cannot stay focused, I have e always just been one to think its his over active imagination...
Tuesday, 25 July 2017 - 11:53
Heya, sorry for the long story..... My lil princess is not long 5 and attends school in prep. My daughter was able to read and write some words before she started school. Currently at home she is able to read novel like books, eg Roald Dahl, but at school I'm wondering if she her education is...
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 - 16:22
My son will be starting school in 2018. He is such a gentle, cheeky soul. He loves kinder and has a lot of kids. What worries me is school. Its my own anxiety and experience actually makes me worry how he's going to go. I know he'll love it and will flourish but...what scares me is bullying and...
Tuesday, 18 July 2017 - 13:29
A bit of a back partner and i have been together for almost 4 years now. We have an amazing relationship and we both definitely see a future together. He is the man i want to marry and start a family with, he looks at me the same way. We moved to a different city for a couple of years...