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Tuesday, 2 July 2019 - 22:09
For as long as I can remember I have hated any kind of confrontation and I have actively avoided it! This often leaves me in awkward, uncomfortable, inconvenient, detrimental or down right strange situations and tolerating behaviour I really shouldn't! The most recent scenario: It had been my...
Thursday, 27 June 2019 - 20:42
Warning, distressing content. I'm the woman who wrote in a while ago about my exs brother being charged with watching child pornography and whether or not I should tell my exs family who has very small children. The court case was today. Hes been found guilty! But... he basically got off with a...
Wednesday, 19 June 2019 - 10:51
This is probably more of an observation than a question but here goes... *I will also preface this by saying it is not aimed at any particular question posted to this page, it's a general observation from things I have seen/experienced either online or in real life. Almost every parent you could...
Thursday, 6 June 2019 - 21:43
Anyone with a large family that are renting? My partner and I are currently looking for a place to rent but I'm worried about finding us a place. Their is 2 adults and 6 kids, everything is so expensive where we live and everything with 5 bedrooms is really flash just worried about our chance of...
Friday, 26 April 2019 - 17:08
Lord help me. My son is 5 and I have sole parental responsibility of him. What on earth do you do when your child comes home saying Dad says that I can move in with him when I'm 12. I want to live with Dad. Backstory, my ex buys our sons love. He can never just be with our boy, rather he has to...
Wednesday, 27 March 2019 - 13:39
Hello ladies.. I want to know who taught you to sew... I really want to learn, have for a very very long time.. only i haven't anyone to teach. We love very rural so i have searched time and time again but we don't have classes and i've left things on noticeboards... I've recently picked up a...
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 - 16:22
Hi IM's I have a 3 year old whose Dad has not been in the picture by his choice since my son was 6 weeks old. I have done everything I could to try make him apart of my sons life. My son has his father's surname and I am wondering if anyone has tried to change it through courts with their own child...
Thursday, 7 March 2019 - 21:56
Dear sisterhood.. I need some help.. maybe asking your husbands.. Recently separated and our only heating is wood fire... obviously being an independent woman i have got this..dont have family close by, mostly single mum friends. But i need some wood cutting 101. I need to purchase a new chainsaw...
Saturday, 23 February 2019 - 20:07
Hi all, Two of my three littles have become absolute nightmares to get to bed each night (4 & 5yo girls). They will come back out multiple times, and it ends in ridiculous screaming and meltdowns when I take them back. It can drag out for up to two hours and drives me absolutely mental. There...
Friday, 15 February 2019 - 20:29
When does unpaid child support get ‘chased up’? My child’s dad denied parentage (not on birth certificate) and went on the run so my first child support claim was rejected due to ‘lack of evidence’. Recently we’ve been to mediation and he went on the birth certificate so I’ve done another...