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My brothers kids 9,10, 2 were removed from their home due to drug use in the home and not being cared for. They now live with my parents . My father has terminal cancer so my mum whom is very capable has all of this to deal with. The kids have issues. Nothing major outwardly. Very well behaved kids...
Could this go on the Facebook pages, for some varied opinions? I'm, just after some insight. I'm wondering if it's a common hormonal thing with mums. I suppose I'm looking for an explanation other than 'I'm crazy'. Did you have to fight an overwhelming need to have another baby straight away. My...
I have a lot of difficulties writing so please excuse me if this letter doesn't make sense to a lot of you but I have needed to get it off my chest for some time. You may to too young to understand, maybe just a bit too small. I really hope you don't remember the times that I'm just not here at all...
My reply, to all the replies. "My dad had an affair" I'm truly shocked by the responses. I stopped reading. But for those that said it was nothing to do with me.. It effected my life. It has everything to do with me. From constantly moving to get away, not just suburbs but countries as a kid to get...
Thankyou to everyone for the positivity, you mums are fabulous. I just wanted to say, we are friends on Facebook, which is active with his friends an family posting/being tagged etc. we FaceTime daily. He has no intentions of staying in my home when he visits. Or meeting my children. And I wouldn't...
Calling all Mummas out there I need the sisterhoods help. I'm looking at starting up a page for all working mummas that struggle for babysitters for the kids, drop offs,pickups ect. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to start this and we can all just pitch in and help each other? Everyone...
I'm wanting to ask a question without sounding absolutely ridiculous.. Please don't laugh at me I know I must sound like I'm dreaming. As a 27 year single mum. I have been single for 3 years. I have spent the last 3 years working hard to improve our life's after leaving a pretty terrible...
I need help. I shoplift. I don't know how to stop but I'm so so scared of getting caught. I take food. Every week. Without it I wouldn't have enough to feed my kids. I've applied for vouchers and coupons but there is always people who need it more. It's not like I take junk food or fun things. It's...
Has anyone ever had a breast reduction?? Im 28 and a size 12F/G ive started getting backache and shoulder pain, i work on my feet all day which doesnt help. What are the costs involved? and is it covered by medicare?? I dont have private health either. Thanks ladies.
Sorry if this is long there is so many elements. My 2 year old sons father has been absent from his life for the last 18mths. His father has drug issues and domestic violence issues and had been offered unsupervised visits if he could pass regular drug tests he refused to do this so was offered...