
Anon Imperfect Mum
Not for Facebook please!! Don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more heartbreaking than my boyfriend crying because he thinks he’s not good enough for me. He’s convinced he can’t give me everything I need, because he’s an addict and reckons he lets down anyone he loves and they leave him. He doesn’t...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Not for Facebook please!! Don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more heartbreaking than my boyfriend crying because he thinks he’s not good enough for me. He’s convinced he can’t give me everything I need, because he’s an addict and reckons he lets down anyone he loves and they leave him. He doesn’t...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Kiddo will be 17 in December. Adhd since yr 2. Asd diagnosed in yr 10 finally because his learning just wasn't getting anywhere and we really couldn't understand why. (NDIS plan involved) Turns out he has a verbal comprehension learning disability. He's smartish. But more hands on. Tried work...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello my beautiful mums. I wrote in a year ago desperately seeking support... My daughter who was 9 years old at the time has disclosed sexual abuse. It's now been 14 months since disclosure. This isn't a question but a post to share some of my story. To warn other mothers and hopefully get some...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What sort of work can we consider for my husband? My husband is late forties. He’s been a hard working labourer all his life but because of it he’s got a lot of body issues; he had a neck operation in his younger years, his back is wrecked, and he has tennis-elbow in both arms (tendons are tearing...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My husband snores. It keeps me awake at night or makes my sleep so broken I wake up feeling exhausted. I have spoken to him about it on several occasions and have recorded it for him to listen to. He refuses to sleep elsewhere and if he does sleep in another room (we don’t have a spare bed) his...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My husband suffers with mental health issues, I struggle with how to help him. He usually shuts himself out to me, doesn't talk to me or when he does he can be moody, snappy or quite mean with his words. If he needs to talk to me he will text me even though we are in same house. If I ask him...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Ever since we had our second child it seems my husband is always in a bad mood. Especially with our six year old, who is so confused as to why her normally doting dad is suddenly not the same. He’s always angry with her over the smallest things, last night it was for dropping some rice on the floor...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My husband and I are together for almost 14years. We were 19 when got together and had baby the following year. We were young parents. We stood by our choice. I didn't force him into anything as I don't want to be blamed. We got married at 21. He asked. We had been through so much. Family issues...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have an IVO against my ex, and he is currently on a good behaviour bond with several criminal charges pending. He has court ordered dinners with our 13 year old son once per week, and much to my dismay the court agreed to one night per fortnight for our son to stay over. Our 17 year old daughter...