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Saturday, 31 July 2021 - 15:39
Good afternoon mums this is my first time posting. So my daughter is nearly 4 and still can't get the hang of how to ride a bike with training wheels (my other 3 picked it up so quick) so my question is how do i teach her I try and try buy she doesn't understand to push the petal forward and I keep...
Monday, 26 July 2021 - 17:23
Hey Mums, I'll keep it short. How do you know when its time to seperate? Firstly, No, we're not throwing this away, we love each other and have worked our arses off to make it work but nothing ever changes. We have had the same financial issues for 15 years that never change no matter what. We've...
Sunday, 25 July 2021 - 22:56
How to grieve for someone who is still alive? Long story and I’m sure to cop some back lash but I don’t care, I just want some advice. In 2017, when my daughter was 17 and in her last year of high school, I did something foolish. I slept with a much younger man in our small country town. He was 21...
Sunday, 25 July 2021 - 19:54
Help! Step parent issues Long story short - I have a son from a previous relationship. We separated before my son was born. I met my now husband when my son was two. I now have two children. My first son is now 9. Mr 9 and my husband are clashing. Husband seems to think Mr 9 refuses to have...
Saturday, 24 July 2021 - 01:56
Hi there So I’m not sure what I should do… I love my partner of 8 years, we have a nearly 4 yr old daughter together…but things have been really rocky for prob at least a year… It’s become apparent that we hold different views and opinions when it comes to certain things… I feel he can be very...
Friday, 23 July 2021 - 14:57
Who else takes into account when deciding on more children the impacts of over population and pollution of our planet? Does anyone think about these things or is it just me? I have two children and would love to have another but I feel it would be wrong of me to bring another human into this world...
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 - 14:56
I have written in here a few times over the years and each time everyone mostly said I deserve better. My few friends tell me I deserve better. My therapist says I deserve better. I know deep down that I deserve better. My kids deserve better. He is controlling, manipulative, and emotionally and...
Monday, 19 July 2021 - 16:09
Sorry this is going to be somewhat long! My 9 year old daughter has a girl in her class this year and they seem to have in my opinion some what of a toxic friendship and this is very concerning for me. It seems in recent months my daughter has become some what of a sheep and is making poor...
Tuesday, 6 July 2021 - 12:19
Hey everyone, does anyone have any practical advice for weaning a 3 year old from breastfeeding. I’m a stay at home mum and we co-sleep. He wants to feed constantly throughout the night and the morning, and it’s having a really negative affect on me. He will scream for it and I give in as I am...
Saturday, 3 July 2021 - 13:30
I am a single mum and work full time. I am struggling big time. I have pushed myself for such a long time and I feel myself coming to the edge. I am tired. I am over my “poor me” attitude, I am sick of getting angry over nothing and completely isolating myself. At work I am smiling and have so much...