
What would you do? My step children live interstate with their mother who has always been a difficult person to deal with. She is quite narcissistic and has used emotional manipulation for some time to control the children’s behaviour. At times this has caused my partner to have no contact. The...
Its a long one - bare with me though please I desperately need help. Over the past few months I have noticed more and more signs that my 11 year old is having mental health issues and I don't know how I can help her. She cries most days before school begging not to have to go and cries when she...
So I’m recently single (yay), but am still having to live with the a-hole due to financial and location reasons. (We own the house together). So my question is, how do you all do Father’s Day with your ex? It’s coming up in the next few months, and I’m not a petty person usually, but I honestly...
Stubborn teen...... Last year we chatted with our kids about when they start work full time they pay $120 a week- $100 goes into a savings we hold for them till they move out or house deposit, car etc, $20 towards food..... This has worked well and never been an issue since one has been working for...
Hi I have a now 2 year old with my ex partner, he is still in his life from time to time when he feels like it but we don’t have any formal arrangements, when he wants to see him he will either come over to my place or take him to his fathers for an hour or so then back to me. But my question is my...
Its my 12 year olds first year of highschool. Hes absolutely miserable. He has no friends. He says no one likes him. No one wants him to hang out with them. He gets picked on. He hates going to school and asks to stay home every day.... I want to pull him out of the school and get him to try a...
Hey IM’s please help me out because I feel so stupid right now. My year 2 child keeps mentioning all their friends bring thermo’s to school with warm snacks like noodles or rice etc I have no idea how that works? Do you cook noodles etc before school and then put it in a thermos? Wouldn’t it still...
This is a long one, grab a cuppa.... Let me preface this by saying we are 100% supportive of our daughter (15) and have an amazingly close relationship that we treasure beyond belief. She knows we love her endlessly without judgement and despite being a typical moody teen at times, she remains open...
Long story short…..lost my partner to cancer 3 years ago. Was a long tough battle for both of us. Met a guy who is so lovely. He moved in, discovered all is not as it seems. His son lives with us full time while my 2 boys are week on week off with their dad. He also has a 5 year old (different...
What would you do?? Currently in a management position, have great flexibility when needed for family needs but work in a pretty crappy environment where I am not sure that I can fix what needs fixing without “cleaning house”. Some staff are quite rude to clients, each other, other professionals...