
Hi ladies Iam wanting to know if anyone knows of work that I can do from home that pays well or at least has a decent pay as I’m wanting to get my kids away from where we are currently living as the area has turned from a good area to a bad area and currently my anxiety over how bad the area or...
My ex husband and I have been divorced for 5 years now. We both live in a small town and I travel away for work a few days a week. He has the children while I’m away at work. I have moved back to the small town where he lives so I can see and be involved with the kids as much as possible. I’m...
I’m so defeated! My daughter (11) is making life unbearable at home. She had recently been diagnosed with ADHD ASD1 and anxiety along with serious ongoing health issues that she was born with. Family outings are just not possible, her behaviour is out of control and her outbursts and meltdowns are...
I have an intense fear of my children being sexually abused. I myself have never been sexually abused, but every single person I know either has or has a family member that has. My mum is also a social worker and deals with abused children day in, day out, so I probably am a bit more exposed to...
How do I help? My niece and nephews are treated badly. Their "father" is physically abusive towards the oldest, he will pull his hair until he is on the floor crying, punch him repeatedly in the head and whack him with random objects. He will also do it to the 2 youngest as well. I know if I make a...
How do you stay focussed. I have started again. My ex husband and I separated last year, I have had to move due to finances and not being able to afford where we were living and mentally I was in a bad place with no support. I am working but I have eaten into my savings. I feel like im treading...
Rent is going up $40/week. My options are: 1) stay in current home, but child will have to stop going to activities. 2) move in with partner, but child moves school? Partner and I had planned to move in together at end of year prior to my child starting high school. Lease is coming up and landlord...
I read something the other day, about autism being extreme parenting. I absolutely love that phrase as it's so true! I really need some help! I have a 13 yr old boy diagnosed with autism and adhd. Prescribed medication but his father doesn't really agree so he doesn't take it anymore, and honestly...
Hi there, I’m finding this so hard to write and it has taken me a bit to get the forage to open up. I don’t have any immediate family to talk to and am so sad and stressed. My issue is with my youngest daughter who is 22 last year she started seeing a boy (out Family knew him already through my...
Hi mum as looking for support not judgement on this one. My son 2 almost 3 years attends childcare. Over the last few months he has been rough with other children. We have tried to manage this my encouraging gentle hands and reminding him to place nicely with other kids. Today at pickup I was told...