
Has anyone made the move from cairns to Gold Coast? I’m considering it? Is it hard d as a single mum
Partner has 1 child that lives with us full time. I have 2 that I share care with my ex husband (week on/week off). For the upcoming school holidays I decided to take a week off to spend time with my kids. Partner says oh can you leave it until august and I will take a week off too. He then says...
We are officially squatting. Our time was up on the 29th, that was with an extension from the 9th. 5 months, and nothing. By the 27th June, it will affect our rental history, as we are being taken to the rental board. All motels/caravan parks are over flowing with people in our situation. We can't...
Hi Sisterhood. I need some advice. I have a 10 year old boy who has an extremely bad anger issue. Anything can set him off, and he screams, yells abuse and slams doors. I'm worried he is going to escalate to hurting someone or breaking things. Issue can be as simple as asking him to brush his teeth...
I've have 2 loves in my life. I've been pregnant to both of them and only one of my babies made it. The first one was my first love my high school sweet heart in a way, the father of my child. The second my adult love. I feel I loved them unconditionally. I gave them everything I could. But they...
Advice needed. Partner and I have my 2 kids week on/week off with my ex. His teenage son is with us fulltime 24/7. His 4 year old son we have every 2nd weekend plus one night every week for 5 hours. 4 year old is quite spoilt. Starting to affect my two who are saying they don’t want to come over if...
This will be vague because I don’t want anyone figuring out it’s me from the details. I have multiple children and met a complete Toxic red flag who was painted over but that paints come off now. It came off after he made me make late payments and get breached on my rental, it was just in my name...
Hi! I need some advice. A few years ago my ex didn't return My sons from school holidays. I fought so hard to get my boys home it's just a constant battle :( One has come home he came back a year ago because he got over being there. It's taken some work to get him back to how he used to be. But now...
Hey IM’s, I’m wondering what age you let your kids have their own phones? I’m trying to work out what’s normal and if I’m being unreasonable. My son is 11 and in grade 5. I told him he will get a phone when he starts high school but a lot of his mates have their own phones and message him on my...
If your adult son fathered a child but chose to walk away and not have a relationship with the child want to know and would you want a relationship with your grandchild despite your son not having one with their child? This is the issue im facing. I'd like to give my ex inlaws a chance to...