
Hey Mummas! I have asked a few questions on here before. Is there an online "chat" for all things, Mum, Wife, Life! I am not blessed with a village. I work and volunteer. And happy to be me, just thinking maybe I can be Me a bit more... when I search it just seems all sex chats haha. My children...
Hi Ladies, there was a post on here a few days ago and people were commenting about mesenteric adenitis and their children having had it. My daughter has had it before and currently has it but not for this long. We are booked in for another scan but its not for another week. My question/concern is...
I an currently working two jobs and studying a Bachelor degree online. I have a 15 month old and he will be my only one due to the fact that I was never supposed to be able to conceive (he was my miracle). Lately I feel so guilty for not spending enough time with him and feel like I'm missing out...
How do I make friends? I am a mum in my mid 30s, to two girls. One in year 4 and one in year 3. I haven’t made many friends because I’m an introvert, have self esteem issues, plus I work a lot. I have insane mum guilt because my daughter in year 3 is really struggling with friendships. She often...
I just feel beaten. Defeated. Deflated. My baby has had ongoing health issues since she was 3 weeks old. Failure to thrive, GORD, malabsortion. 3 weeks at Children’s hospital. She showed slight improvement and we were sent home with regular follow ups. The follow ups feel useless, she would gain...
My daughter is 12, she found a box of condoms in my cupboard, she started yelling at me at how disgusting I am and that I shouldn’t be doing that thing when she is in the house. My fiancé (not her biological father but been there long enough as biological sperm donor has nothing to do with kids)...
Hello I am a young mom to 2 beautiful girls (3 years and youngest 9months) I met my partner or ex partner 2015 We have been together for almost 7 years, got pregnant 2018 unfortunately lost my baby boy due to constant stress and abuse from my partner which I end up going to early labor at 27 weeks...
Is there a way to learn how to identify/manage my own emotions so that I can help my kids? I’ve come to realise through my parenting journey that I have no idea how to healthily manage my own emotions let alone the big ones my kids face! How do I learn this stuff when emotions were never felt,...
Does anyone ever regret having a 4th child… I already have a 15, 13 and 8 but have just found out that I am pregnant. I’m also 40 in a few months. I am beyond confused about the whole situation. Once I tell the dad I may be doing it all on my own too as he was insistent that 3 was his limit and we...
Single mums of 3 kids how do you do it. I'm finding myself at the end of my marriage I'm a mum of 3, I work 6:30am - 2pm 5 days a week. daycare and before school start at 6:30am... I can't be in 2 places at once.. nor can I afford rent, bills, food and daycare I'm only on 21 and hour... how do...