
Hi all, I’m have a question about traveling internationally with my 12 year old child with only 1 parent… Father isn’t on birth certificate, has never met child and only contacts me once a year to abuse me for stealing his money (receiving child support) My child has a passport, but as father pays...
Hi, I am just looking for some advice, I have an 11 year old girl soon to be 12 and she is driving me crazy. She constantly argues with us, is super emotional but if I try to help she gets snappy, back chats and can be really nasty to her 9 year old sister. I try to be calm and validate her...
When my second daughter was 2 -3. She would have these epic meltdowns and scream all day long when she wasn’t getting her own way. The screaming meltdowns got so bad that I would have to shut up the house to stop the neighbours having to listen to it. My husband was extremely unsupportive who was...
I am so over this life, I honestly think my kids would be better off without me. When people say their kids don’t get along, times that by 50. That’s my 2 oldest children (9&6), they constantly hate each other, like I don’t remember a time they were nice to each other. Hitting, biting, punching...
So I know it's a tad early to be thinking about but my daughter is now 4 and has never met or even spoke to her biological dad as he wanted nothing to do with my pregnancy or the parenting part and from the age of two she's known my partner as daddy. when is an appropriate age to tell her about her...
We live on acreage and our dog wears a beep collar so that she can’t escape … BUT her barking has now become excessive. She will not even allow people to walk on the other side of the road without her barking. A barking collar is not an option - so I’m wondering if anyone has had any luck with...
OK I have a 14 going on 15 year old son. He has always been generally fiery and stubborn child with a terrible temper. So recently (6 months) he has found the confidence to speak to myself and my husband however he feels fit, raising his voice, changing his tone, swearing under his breath but loud...
I know I will get a lot of judgement for asking this and quite frankly I know I deserve it. I was young and selfish and didn't think of how my actions would hurt so many people. I had an affair with a man who was married with children. The affair lasted 3 years during which time we had a child...
I have a 6 year older son who I am worried about having some mental health issues. He has always been quite an emotional child perhaps sensitive, right from a toddler to now. He is intelligent academically and able excel through school without any issues other than becoming distracted if he is in...
It’s a niggly random question that’s played on my mind! I have two kids. 10 and 8. The 8 year old is a supppper early riser. She has told me that as soon as she sees it’s a tiny bit light out the front door (the only door not to have a roller shutter 🤬) she gets up. So she is always awake before...