
Hi mummas! Are there any mums out there that have given their ex baby daddy 80% custody of their child? I'm about to make the biggest decision of my entire life and I'm needing some other mummas opinions. I (age 26) live in the same old small mining town as my ex (age 23), he's wanting to move...
I dont know what to do here. My ex and I have separated and he has decided to move state. He did not tell me that he was moving and he did not say goodbye to our several children. I havent told them yet purely because I dont want to tell them and break their hearts just in case he impulsively comes...
I have been separated from my ex for a while. We have 50:50 custody of our two middle school kids. We have tried many different scenarios and what seems to be working well for the kids is a week on/week off plan. The issue is - I hate it. I hate it with every fibre of my being. On paper it works...
My partner and I have been together coming up all together 8 years. We have been very very on and off over those 8 years seeing other people in between etc but we have been together solid for a year now. We have a almost 7 year old boy, it was all so fast, we were only together for 4 months before...
Hi Mums, my husband and I have been together for 20 years and have 2 primary age children together. As babies and all throughout our parenting I have been the one to take them to appointments, vaccinations dental clinics ect with no contention or issues ever. Fast forward to 2022 and school age...
I feel like I’ve hit a wall. I separated from my daughter’s father almost a year ago. We separated for a number of reasons but mostly because I couldn’t trust him anymore after it had started coming out that he had been lying about a lot of things - little things, big things, petty things, anything...
Kind of sad about how in society so many say well they could just leave from an abusive relationship. I once never understood until talking to counsellors what d v is. We, the sisterhood I believe is fractured and need to be more compassionate when we have so many high records of death due to DV...
My 11 yr old daughter is constantly asking for a mobile phone . She started yr 7 this yr and reckons she is the only one in her home room without a phone. She is always saying why don’t you trust me ? My reply I do trust you it’s the rest of the world . Then her argument is well you still don’t...
I feel like a failure as a parent. I was a single parent from the time my son was 3 years old, until I met my husband 3 years ago. I did everything for my son, gave him everything, took him around the world. It was just the two of us. He was a very bright student in primary school and never had to...
I have been offered an amazing career opportunity overseas, however my daughters father is adamant that I cannot take my her overseas with me. My daughter has an good relationship with her dad and we have open communication and she can stay over with him whenever she wants, there is no parenting...