
I am a tired mum. Not from a lack of sleep. A year ago a became a full-time single mum. I have my children 100% of the time except when they are in kinder/at school. I have no financial help from there father as child support won't collect due to risk of violence. I don't have support from family...
Anyone just not want to be a mum anymore? It’s all too much and the kids are feral and the husband’s a jerk. Anyone fantasise about just walking away? Please don’t hate me. I won’t do it but damn do I want to.
Trigger Warning: suicide. When is it time to leave? To preface this, my husband and I have been together for 5 years, married for almost one of them abd have a young daughter.Two weeks after my husband and I got married he went away for work and he paid for sexual acts in a brothel, I caught him...
Vasectomy reversal My partner got a vasectomy last year. At the time it was the best thing for our us. We had a miscarriage not long before his procedure. we have 4 children between us and thought we where done having children but it is now playing on us especially since we lost a baby. In other’s...
HELP. PLEASE!!! Oh my gosh ladies. Give me strength! So I have 3 boys. 5050 with their dad. When they come home, they are FERAL. Their dad claims they're fine with him (of course. We aren't on the best of terms so don't have a great co-parenting situation) Anyway.. my youngest. He is 4, and oh my...
I’m in a situation that is really hurting my heart and I don’t know how to support my friend OR how to tackle the situation. Sorry this is so long, I wanted to provide some background. It sounds so petty in the scheme of what’s happening in the world right now but it’s causing hurt and I want to...
Did anyone else get married young, then have children and be a sahm young, only to feel like you have "missed out" on your life? Don't get me wrong, I love my children with all my heart. But, I can't help but feel something missing when people talk about 'uni days' and 'dorm life' I never had, or...
Hi Ladies, I have a 4, 5 and 10 year old. Shared custody. Week on week off. I don't communicate with their dad due to his narcissism. The last few times the kids have been with me my 5 year old is having night terrors nearly every night within an hour or 2 after he falls asleep. He wakes up...
My son is 13 and has been struggling to attend school since last year (year 7). In that time we have recognized how anxious he is and is attending counseling and is on medication. A big problem with not attending school is that he now feels very alone and that he has no friends. He came out as gay...
I don’t want to make meals, particularly dinner! There are 4 of us in our home - my husband who works Mon-Fri and is gone for 12 hours a day, myself (I work 3 days a week) and 2 teenagers in high school. I do a majority of the house chores, my husband does help a lot and I’m very lucky. The problem...