Tuesday, 11 August 2015 - 13:35
Hello motherhood, I am sick of women reaching out for help and all you 'perfect' people lashing out at them, when we all never know the full story. So here is my promise to you imperfect mum I promise I will respond without bringing you down. I promise that I will always put myself in your shoes...
Thursday, 6 August 2015 - 18:18
A little background married over a year been together for 7 years, two beautiful children and a husband i love to death. Cant help but feel like i hate my life, i hate that im fat, i hate that i eat disgusting, i hate that i eat terrible and am passing down bad habits to my children, i hate that my...
Tuesday, 4 August 2015 - 21:20
Hi mummas. I have been on anti depressant medication since my daughter was a baby as I suffered from awful post natal depression. I probably should have been on them prior to this as I have always struggled with anxiety and depression but I have always (stubbornly) battled my way through. I have...
Saturday, 1 August 2015 - 15:12
Can anyone recommend a good health and wellbeing retreat in or around Melbourne? I want to go by myself, don't want it to be too pricey and want to include meditation, massage and or some movement like yoga or tai chi. Maybe even counselling. From 1-7 nights preferably. Any suggestions?
Monday, 13 July 2015 - 17:42
Long story short - I always said I wanted children. I got married, and hubby was desperate for a child. Soon, we were pregnant - he was over the moon. Then, we lost it. It shook us both, but we got through it, and 6 months later, found out we were expecting again. I spent the whole pregnancy...
Friday, 10 July 2015 - 18:10
Depression or just lazy? Or maybe both? I had my daughter about 4 years ago. It was a horrific birth and my daughter and I both nearly died. I did not get to meet my baby until she was almost 2 weeks old as she was transferred to a bigger hospital. I was not able to be transferred because I was in...
Friday, 3 July 2015 - 19:09
Something I think we all need to watch
Monday, 22 June 2015 - 22:45
Im 35 weeks pregnant (unplanned, my second) and feeling like I've been hit with the worst luck in history!! At 22 weeks they told me i had complete placenta previa and comfirmed it at 32 weeks also comfirming at the same time that i had gestational diabetes as well. After the ultrasound at 32 weeks...
Thursday, 18 June 2015 - 21:53
Hi all you lovely beautiful ladies. Especially all you ladies (or men) in abusive relationships. Just because they say they love you doeslovmake it true. Emotional, physical or sexual intimidation are NOT ON. Ladies what kind of women do we want our children to look up too? If you are in a bad...
Saturday, 6 June 2015 - 09:24
Hubby and I are happy with just one child, but talks recently have had us thinking about how DD would feel about being an only child.. SO and I both had a younger sibling, so I would like to know from other single children now how they felt about it growing up, and to parents happy with only one...