
Anon Imperfect Mum
Help please.. looking for advice.. End of last year my son was around 19months and he started to wee in the garden, which was great he knows when he has to go etc - number 2's are still in pants / jocks but that's ok one step at a time. My concern now is I understand he is still young (25months)...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi ladies! Just after some toileting advice. I’ve been attempting to train my daughter just before she turned 2, she was doing pretty well then something changed ( now almost 3) and she no longer wants to use a toilet or potty. She tells me when she needs to go but when I put her on the toilet she...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My 2 year old, (2y4m) has been toilet training for the last bit over a month. We started out with her being naked, and she was doing really well (no accidents for days) and taking herself ect. We then introduced undies and she was having quite a few accidents (which would cause her to be upset as...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My daughter decided about a month and a bit ago, she didn’t want to wear nappies (she turned 2 late Dec) So we started toilet training, she has done absolutely awesome. We just went a a few weeks naked and she got it, she’ll take herself to the toilet ect. We then introduced undies, (she did refuse...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello fellow IM’s and ID’s. So I’ve been trying to toilet train my son (2yr9mth) for the past few months. (He previously just kicked and screamed when I’d try to get him to sit on the potty/toilet.) Anyway I’ve managed to get him to the point where he is happy to sit on the toilet several times per...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello fellow ims I'm having trouble toileting my autistic daughter. She's 4 in 3 months. She is able to use the potty daily to do wees but will not do #2 without a nappy or use the toilet to wee. She is terrified at the toilet. Sitting on it results in massive meltdowns. I've tried different seats...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello dear mamas, I'm trying to get my son potty trained and I would love to get your advices. He's almost 2 1/2 and so far he did good. I even thought to myself that it will be easier than expected. How naive.. But lately it hasn't been doing too good. I'm trying since he's 2 more or less but I...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Toilet training!! My daughter is 3 next month and refuses to toilet train! I understand every child is different, that they will do it in their own time and that you can't push them but I'm so sick of cleaning wee up off the floor, couch, carpet etc!! She's the youngest of 4 so sees 5 other people...
Anon Imperfect Mum
help with toileting please my daughter is 2 and a half and is fully toilet trained in the day time.. she was waking up dry for a few weeks about 4 months ago so we decided to take the night time nappy off and she was really good for about a month and now she wets the bed every night.. i have tried...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Mr 3.5 was 90% toilet trained. An accident here and there but nothing too major. In the last few weeks he's regressed really badly, so bad that his daycare wants to put a plan in place to get him back on track. I recently started back at work full time so could this be a separation issue? He's gone...