
Anon Imperfect Mum
My daughter is 5 and a half and is currently in kindergarten. She starts school next year in prep. She has suddenly started wetting her pants regularly and wetting the bed. She has always been a bit touch and go with making it to the toilet before she is busting. However, now it seems like...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I am trying to toilet train my 3.5 year old boy... now i know when they are ready they are ready.. and he has a few medical issues with kidneys etc so i have been told to expect it to be a little difficult. I found my first child super hard too he was a boy eventuallyhe just got up and went despite...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Warning, distressing content. I'm the woman who wrote in a while ago about my exs brother being charged with watching child pornography and whether or not I should tell my exs family who has very small children. The court case was today. Hes been found guilty! But... he basically got off with a...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What sort of signs do you look for when your child is ready to start toilet training? I just seen a post about toilet training and people said to start when they show signs. So I was wondering what sort of signs to look for lol
Anon Imperfect Mum
my son is fully toilet trained for days. I haven't started the night training he is 3 & half. he has a day time nap doesn't have a wet nappy after the nap. when is a good time to take away the nappies completely and some good strategys as I am very nervous about it...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My son just only just turned 3. He is out of pull ups during the day. I decided to go cold Turkey with the night time pull ups just recently because in the mornings we have this big drama because he doesnt want to take his pull up off. Then goes into the whole thing I'm a baby not a big boy I love...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm a little embarrassed by this but I have a 5 year old son who is having alot of trouble with toilet training, mainly for poos. He can have a mess in his pants up to 5 times a day. He simply will just not go to the toilet, and also won't tell us he's done it. Every time I check his pants and/or...
Kristy, a few mums from another page & myself have had a thought after the tragic little baby girl found on the Gold Coast Beach, who it turns out was homeless living on the streets with her parents and a sibling. We dont know all the infomation surrounding this story but we want to be able to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My son is 2.5 years old. He does wees on the toilet perfectly, no worries at all. But when it comes to a poo, he is petrified. Won't go near it and asks for a nappy on and will go and hide. How can I get him out of this habit of pooing in his nappy and that the toilet isn't scary. He just wants to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Toilet training My daughter has all the signs of toilet training readiness. Since she started sitting on the potty, when it comes time to wee she freaks out and starts crying and screaming ouch. Even if I have her in a nappy she’s doing it. The doctor thinks vulvitis and possibly a uti but it is...