Monday, 16 March 2015 - 22:13
Hi IM's I have a 2.5year old girl who I have been trying to potty train. She is a very bright switched on girl, talkative and knows all about it. My problem is she went on the potty by herself without saying anything to her 4 times about 3 months ago. Now she will sit on the potty but not do...
Saturday, 21 February 2015 - 19:49
Hi! I am looking for a boy toilet training doll for my son that urinates from its penis.I have searched and the only one I can find is the Scotty Potty doll but I can't find it at a decent price. I'm looking for one around $50-$60 including postage. What recommendations do people have, please?
Saturday, 21 February 2015 - 08:08
Hey lovely people! My DD is nearly 2 and as much as she is intelligent i want to help that little bit more. Also, toilet training - i really need to kick my own butt and get on to this. So my question is: What books/videos do you recommend for toilet training and also to help teach my little one to...

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 20:00
I would like to say thank you to the imperfect mum who, a while ago, suggested "tom's toilet triumph" on you tube, as a helpful idea on how to get a toddler to do number two's In the toilet. My DD was struggling for months, holding back and having constipation, from not going to the toilet. We had...
Sunday, 25 January 2015 - 07:43
Hi Mums! Hope you can offer me your best toilet training tips. My 3.5 yr old is happy to do his wees in the loo (standing up) but won't do 'number twos' in the toilet or a potty. He'll hold on all day til he has the night time nappy on so he can poop then. In fact, sometimes he requests an early...
Sunday, 18 January 2015 - 21:10
My son is 2, he goes to daycare three days a week and is in the care of his grandparents the other two, while hubby and I are working (full time). I'm after suggestions on toilet training. I am imagining it's going to be a hard task for me considering I am at work :-/ I have tried sitting him on...
Friday, 9 January 2015 - 19:12
I have a 4 year old son who point blank refuses to poo on the toilet. He stands to wee and has since day one and is also not in nappies at night. He says he is scared however I think its laziness, he does not soil himself just goes in a nappy, if I refuse this he doesn't go for days and ends up...
Wednesday, 7 January 2015 - 11:23
Reward chart. What is your experience with one? Did it help? Would it be worth starting one on a 2.5year old boy? What kind of rewards did u give? Im looking at doing one for things like potty training, pick up toys, listening etc.
Monday, 29 December 2014 - 13:13
Hi. I am a single mum to a 17 yr old an 11 yr old and a 3 year old. I had no troubles with toilet training my 17 yr old boy or 11 yr old girl and they were toilet trained at 2 years old. I am having trouble with my 3 year old. He just won't even say he needs to go to the toilet. I ask him...

Sunday, 14 December 2014 - 13:24
Hi im's Our son just turned 3 and has been in jocks for 6 months. Problem is he will not do poo on the toilet or potty. He has to have a pull up. I've tried everything I can think of, even bribing him with chocolates, a big toy he wants, he will not budge. Looking for advice that works. Thanks