
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IMs, My almost 3 yr old son has been learning to use the toilet for a while now. He is great at doing poos on the toilet (will even take his nappy off to go) which we are really happy with as we know that's normally the hardest part! He will do wees on the toilet if he has no nappy or underwear...
Anon Imperfect Mum
This potty training caper is a bloody nightmare. I need some advice stat! If you had asked me a week ago how it was all going, I would have told you 'great! 90% done!' Now? Different story. We started training with our daughter about 9 weeks ago at 2years9months. We used a sticker chart and an...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have a three and a half year old that I'm trying to toilet train. When she's awake, she's pretty good. I put her in a nappy to go to bed in but occasionally she takes it upon herself to take the nappy off and put her panties back on. Today, literally just half an hour before, she has gotten up...
Hi ladies, my 2 and a Half year old is toilet trained during the day, but lately shes been peeing everywhere. Will not use the toilet any ideas on what to do. It dosent matter how many times you take her to the toilet she just won't go
Hello lovely I.Ms. My son is turning 3 next month, and we are about to embark on the tedious adventure of toilet training. I'm after tips and tricks to make our experience as smooth as possible, and hopefully be fully tt by the end of summer :) TIA
Anon Imperfect Mum
good afternoon imperfect mums, a bit of a funny but curious one today about my niece, she is two and a half years old and fully toilet trained, very rarely has an accident except when we go to the park she poos her her pants and i mean every single time, she absolutely hates it and cries until shes...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi ladies, I'm wanting some tips on toilet training. my son is 2 and 1/2 years old and I've finally decided its time for toilet training. We have tried in the past but he always seemed to go backwards after wearing a nappy or pull up pants during the night. I've decided to do it all at the same...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I am curious to know, how other mums cope with their frustration. I have two babies, a girl and boy, son is 21 months and daughter 8 months My son's behaviour has become ridiculous really, he has started hitting me and his sister (but not daddy) throwing toys, tantrums where he throws his arms up...
Hi! So my Dd is 2 and is potty training. She is very ready, amd communicates very well. She told me no more to her nappies and got the potty herself. She is very excited to be using it. The problem is she has eczma all over her legs. Everytime she needs to wee we go throight the process of her...
i have a two year old boy (almost 3) who has been "potty trained" for over a good month now but he wont do poos in the toilet he will hold on until night time when i put his night time nappy on him. i have tried everything i can think of rewards, toys lollies stickers ect..... getting him up to use...