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Friday, 29 July 2022 - 15:37
My son has ADHD & struggling at school. Suspensions for violence and acting silly in class all the time. Just wondering if an OT would help? Do they go to the school and sit with them and help at all? What is their role? Also, is this something I need to see the GP for to get a referral?...
Thursday, 28 July 2022 - 07:47
My grandparents are being financially, emotionally and physically abused by a family member. What services are available to help? Who can I contact to stop this? Grandparents have said it is happening but then will deny it in an attempt to not make it worse when I confront the family member.
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 - 14:02
My partner lacks empathy. He seems to struggle with understanding anyone else's perspective when it comes to feelings. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a narcisist but he definitely has traits leaning that way, especially if we get into a disagreement. I'm quite an emotional person so it...
Monday, 25 July 2022 - 17:37
Hi , I am sorry about the long post and please be kind with your comments. I have moved to Australia 17 years ago but I still have a very thick accent( sometimes I even mix up the tenses). I am very conscious of this and has caused me a lot of hart ache throughout the years. I feel I have been...
Thursday, 21 July 2022 - 20:51
My 9yo daughter’s behaviour is absolutely insane. She’s rude, she’s callous, she has zero respect and treats everyone in our home like garbage. She refuses every instruction given and our toddler is slowly picking up these behaviours as well. It’s particularly bad at night, from around 6pm. We’ve...
Tuesday, 19 July 2022 - 15:25
This is a long one, grab a cuppa.... Let me preface this by saying we are 100% supportive of our daughter (15) and have an amazingly close relationship that we treasure beyond belief. She knows we love her endlessly without judgement and despite being a typical moody teen at times, she remains open...
Wednesday, 13 July 2022 - 21:00
How do I determine if I need help and where do I go for help? I can drink a bottle of wine a night and be fine. I don't drink every night but I could. I probably drink 3-4 bottles some weeks then maybe only 1-2 glasses a night every other night but then I can go a whole week or more without...
Wednesday, 13 July 2022 - 13:26
I’m so defeated! My daughter (11) is making life unbearable at home. She had recently been diagnosed with ADHD ASD1 and anxiety along with serious ongoing health issues that she was born with. Family outings are just not possible, her behaviour is out of control and her outbursts and meltdowns are...
Friday, 8 July 2022 - 22:40
What would you do in my position, hubby and I used to have the best marriage until I had kids and I came to dispose how often men get to just up and leave when they want without worrying who is looking after kids while you go to work, food for them, life admin, cleaning, cooking, groceries, just...
Friday, 8 July 2022 - 16:10
I am a very open and honest person, to the point that growing up I was probably a bit of an over sharer, I say it how it is and prefer people that are the same. Honesty is very important to me. My partner comes from a family that is very private, his mum was adopted and his dad has 8 siblings that...