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Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Sisterhood, I am struggling to get along with my 10 year old daughter. I had a terrible relationship with my mum and I want to break this cycle with us. I need help on the following things that are causing us to drift apart. We’ve both said horrible things to each other but I am the adult and I...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I know of someone who is claiming single parents payments, is living with her partner whom she is now engaged too and her partner is paying child support as well as helping with household expenses. Centrelink had been contacted and she got rid of anything of her partners out of the house so it...
Anon Imperfect Mum
HELP! I am in desperate need of some help and advice My daughter is 14 and a half She is diagnosed anxiety, depression, attachment disorder and just recently ADHD. She does not have a relationship with her father ( we seperated 4 years ago) She Started Ritalin and have had some amazing results...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I fell in love with a man, that emotionally abused and threatened mine and my sons safety (threatening to shoot myself and my child) with the blame of it being from using steroids, depression, medication. 2 years back and fourth, the police put a protection order in place. Our contact between each...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Online I’m part of a group that debates heated political topics, usually around controversial topics. I have an opinion that is contrary to most of the other participants. Fine by me. However, some send me absolutely vile messages involving pictures of my partner and I, saying we have rotten dental...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Is it worth taking my 3 year old to be diagnosed I have 4 beautiful children and they all have little quirky things that make them who they are - love their personalities however my 3 year old boy is showing signs of having some sort of sensory processing issue. I also have a 2 year old boy who...
Please I need some help!! Im at a complete loss as what to do with my 12.5 year old daughter, she started high school this year and things have just gotten ten times worst!! To say the least the last few years haven’t been the greatest.. (separation, alcoholism- her dad going to jail - unrelated...
Anon Imperfect Mum
So my son who is 15 months is screaming down the house nearly everyday, I believe that he might have autism im getting him tested in 2 months but whenever he screams he'll do it while either in his cot when he's in time-out, when he's getting told no or just out of nowhere and he'll laugh about it...
Anon Imperfect Mum
This is kind of a positive one, long but happy ending I'm a step mum and have been a full time step mum for many many years. I have 5 step kids, and have a wonderful relationship with all, but my step son. I have a very hostile relationship with my 10yo ss. We but heads, argue, and he says some...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm not even sure where to begin there is so much to unpack. There is a family in my circle I have grave concerns about. I have raised the issue with CPS several times over the years and multiple times in recent months due to the decline in the wellbeing of the children. Each time I felt like I was...