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Wednesday, 7 October 2020 - 12:51
I may be freaking out a little sharing this but if it helps just one person it’s worth it!!! A year ago today I escaped from a life that was the earthly version of hell, not knowing where I was headed or what was going to happen I packed up my beautiful babies and whatever else I could in the...
Friday, 2 October 2020 - 20:32
Hi all, I apologise in advance if anyone finds this question confronting. My 11- nearly 12 year old, son has been accessing explicit material online, it has happened a number of times and we have had a number of conversations about it after we have found out. We have told him that what he finds...

Saturday, 26 September 2020 - 22:40
Has anyone had their typically developing child seen to by a psychologist for general anxiety
Friday, 25 September 2020 - 12:10
Hello I have an 8 year old daughter who has shown signs of anxiety from a young age. She has recently started seeing a psychologist. My daughter has a very over-active imagination and often gets distressed over things that aren't real or haven't happened. I am her sole carer. She often gets...
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 - 16:53
My son attends a private Catholic school. We have a had serious case of bullying from the second day of term one. He is in year 7. I have been up to the school non stop to try and have them put a stop to it, but seems they are doing absolutely nothing about it. It's not just one kid it's the whole...
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 - 15:45
Does everyone eat away from the table these days? When I was growing up, the only place we were allowed to eat was the table, or outside in summer. As I often work over tea time, my boys have gotten into the habit of eating in their rooms whilst playing on the PS4. I think I’ve made a huge mistake...
Monday, 21 September 2020 - 20:42
Hi everyone, I’m in need of serious guidance. My daughter grade 2, turning 8 in early January 2021 is experiencing what I think is hormonal changes and I believe she’s very close to getting her period. For over a year now she has had actual BO, pimples on her chin and forehead and sometimes bum...
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 - 14:09
I have 2 children with my ex which we have recently changed to 50/50 custody. (Previously he had them every second weekend). Any time an issue comes up in his time (if they have forgotten to take something to his house etc) it is always on me to solve the issue, and if I can’t I am verbally abused...
Tuesday, 15 September 2020 - 10:04
My son/s are stealing personal belongings from parent. I dont know what to do anymore my oldest has been stealing from a very young age we have been at this for 10years, it is affecting me so much. Now its starting to affect the way i deal with him, how things are left in my house. We go through...
Saturday, 12 September 2020 - 08:11
My 10 year old has suddenly turned into an insomniac. He has always been a good sleeper - once he is in bed he says there and goes to sleep in his own. He has always been an earlier riser but we are use to that, but now he is staying awake for hours on end once he goes to bed. There was an issue at...