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Wednesday, 29 April 2020 - 08:51
Do you think bed wetting should be punished? First of all I am a single mum and have been separated for 5 years my daughter is 9 and still wets the bed. I was a bed wetter when I was younger and know eventually she will grow out of it, I don’t punish her for it but keep trying to encourage her, but...
Wednesday, 22 April 2020 - 18:06
Hi mums, I've been separated for over two years from a psychologically abusive husband. While I don't think he's a good role model, he has shared custody of our 6 yo boy. I know he says awful things about me and can be quite manipulative but there's nothing I can really do to stop him from seeing...
Wednesday, 22 April 2020 - 16:10
I need some advice on how to handle my 3yo. I'm a single mum and have 100% care of my daughter and I'm really struggling with her behaviour and how I'm reacting to it. I find myself getting so angry towards her and some of the things I say are just flat out disgusting. I want to put a stop to this...
Wednesday, 22 April 2020 - 03:22
It's hard to put this into words after losing my son back in January my father in law has gone all nasty on me and outright ignored my husband today. I don't want to get into detail but he helped us out I was on the phone to my mother her in law and he just went off his brain due to mis...
Sunday, 19 April 2020 - 17:01
Can my child’s fathers girlfriend photograph me when I am exchanging children? There has not been any fights or arguments or anything during our exchanges, we all keep to ourselves generally. I was a few minutes late and she wanted a time stamped photograph, however we exchange in a public place...
Sunday, 12 April 2020 - 16:27
One really good aspect of everyone being in lockdown is that my 13 year old son who was hanging around with juvenile delinquents cannot now do so. He can’t simply get on a bus and go “hang with his mates”, as he’ll get arrested. I’ve taken this opportunity of the whole world being grounded to get...
Sunday, 12 April 2020 - 08:13
Hi mums, I am a frustrated mum, I am a sad mum and I don't know how to change it! This may not make a lot of sense but I need to get it out. I have 2 boys (3&19months) and a step son (6). Last year in June tragedy struck when my 3 year old passed away. It was sudden and unexpected. It has...
Sunday, 12 April 2020 - 01:00
Hi Sisterhood, I’m currently sitting here stewing over some recent events and I’m trying to figure out if I’m either overreacting with everything else going on in the world (2020 has been a great year not) or if I’m within my rights to be significantly pissed off and rather angry. Long story...
Saturday, 11 April 2020 - 10:06
I want your opinion (without being horrible or sarcastic). "For fuck sake!" "why do you always do this shit?" "why would you be so stupid?" "you're a liar" "no it's bullshit." "what is wrong with you, seriously?" "There is something wrong with you if you can't even do a simple thing I tell you ever...
Saturday, 4 April 2020 - 13:34
I never realised till seeing someone that I maybe going through dv but mental abuse not physical. I’ve gone back as he said has changed everything etc but the 6 week honeymoon is over & here I am again! Is there anyone else that is going through or been through this & happy with how life is...