
For 2yrs I've had full care of my niece, mostly because my sister was pursuing her masters in film overseas and would be working weird hours with no one to care for her daughter so she came to me rather then going to boarding school. But also because my sister has a history of instability and, over...
Deep Breath... Ok... This will be a long post but bear with me. It's taken me a few days to have the courage to post a message like this. A few days ago marked the day that 4 month previous my heart broke and my world as I knew it ended, but also marked the day 2 months after that I began trying to...
So here goes, I sadly had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago. It was very traumatic and I highly praise those amazingly strong women who go through multiple. 2 weeks ago I got what I thought was my period it was very light but and mostly spotting, it went for 4 days like this. So this week I have been...
My worst fear has been little boy has passed at 29 week gestation. I have three beautiful little girls and was excited to be welcoming a gorgeous son to complete our family. My pregnancy has been pretty ok apart from severe morning sickness which only abaited a few weeks ago. We...
Hello motherhood, I am sick of women reaching out for help and all you 'perfect' people lashing out at them, when we all never know the full story. So here is my promise to you imperfect mum I promise I will respond without bringing you down. I promise that I will always put myself in your shoes...
We've been trying to conceive for 2 years now. In that time I've had 2 miscarriages. The most recent was earlier this year. If all had gone well I'd be heavily pregnant now and ready to pop. Unfortunately another missed misccariage and a couple of hospital stays as a result, have meant I am...
Hi girls.. i gave birth to my baby but he was born sleeping 14 weeks ago... i am still yet to have a period... i have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow.. im so scared i cant conceive :( has any one been through this?
I resently lost my 4th child. He was born sleeping. It has been 13 weeks and i still have no period. Im so scared i will not be able to get pregnant again. Has anyone had something similar happen?
Hi Ladies. My husband and I have 3 healthy boys together. All were text book pregnancies, labors & deliveries so when we found out we were expecting baby #4 we were expecting the same stress free pregnancy. It wasn't the case at all. At our Ultrasound we were told our baby had a bright spot in...
Hi IM's I am currently 17 weeks along with my 5th baby . My last pregnancy was my daughter who was born sleeping 6 months ago. Her autopsy results came back inconclusive but my doctor says it was Fetal Growth Restriction and I also had a bleed behind the placenta. The doctors have decided to put me...