Friday, 30 June 2023 - 07:33
My teenage daughter is really struggling. She really struggles to fit in and She has just had a falling out with her one and only friend. She is on school holidays now but she is already having anxiety about going back to school and being alone. I saw her wiping away tears last night. She’s also...
Tuesday, 27 June 2023 - 13:03
I'm at a loss My 20 year old daughter was seeing a fellow for a couple of months and was inundating him with messages etc and he just needed a break from it all. She is trying so hard to not contact him but it is near killing her. She won't take no for an answer and it is ruining her life, she has...
Tuesday, 27 June 2023 - 01:10
My 15 yr old daughter was severly bullied for close to 2 years. During this time she developed a number of anxiety disorders and also depression. I pulled her out of high school and she studied online schooling for 12mths before moving back to face to face teaching. The new school is specialised...
Monday, 26 June 2023 - 16:13
I guess I don't really know why I'm writing this. I just wish When I had my first baby at 21 that I hadn't been so stressed out Its not that I didn't want her.. I was so excited to be pregnant ( My husband and I had been married a couple of years..and were so looking forward to having her..but...
Thursday, 22 June 2023 - 23:55
Hi loves. In December my mother (62) was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s spread pretty much all over and we’re focusing on quality of life and enjoying what we have left. I am my mums carer - she is still living alone and can manage day to day house things/ personal care. But she relies on me...
Thursday, 22 June 2023 - 11:12
My husband and I separated in 2010 after multiple infidelities on his part and significant psychological abuse leaving me with anxiety and depression which is now being managed successfully with medication. Fast forward to now, and my children are teenagers and there's bickering and shouting on...
Saturday, 17 June 2023 - 15:49
I am coming up to 2 year post separation and feel ready to put myself back out there so to speak.... My question though is how as a single mum do you "date" without a sex drive? Tinder and the world of online dating seems to be so sexually based but I honestly have NO SEX DRIVE at all, the thought...
Thursday, 15 June 2023 - 19:47
Hi all, I would love some advice on the best way to support my 13 yr old son (asd, adhd) right now. I share custody with his father. I have recently come out of an extremely toxic relationship, and as much as I tried to protect my kids from the impact I know it has definitely affected him. He doesn...
Sunday, 11 June 2023 - 21:20
Hi dear ladies I’m struggling so much with my marriage and how we can improve our relationship. My husband and I tick the boxes on both being high functioning autistic adults with our middle school aged kids diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder over the past few years. I work closely...
Friday, 2 June 2023 - 15:13
Hi Sisterhood, Over a year ago I decided to walk away from my narcissistic mother. Unfortunately that meant that I don't get to see my 2 younger siblings. My mother recently contacted me saying that my siblings miss me. So I guess my question is, can I have a sibling relationship with them and...