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Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi ladies! Need some help here. My husband has caught me lying about money and it’s not good. It’s not the first time I’ve done it but it’s never been this bad. He has always left me to organise our family budgets and bills etc. I have always managed it so we can have all the nice things but it’s...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I’ve just recently discovered that my engagement ring isn’t what I thought/was told it was. I was told it was 18K gold with 15 solitaire diamonds and cost 4.5k. It is 18K gold, but when I was cleaning out the cupboard the other day, I found the payment plan paperwork for it, and it said total cost...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Ladies, please don’t judge. But I need some serious advice as I really plan on trying my absolute hardest this year! I am 41 years old, not a cent in savings, and making next to no income as I’m only fresh back at work due to raising my kids. I don’t know how to control my spendings? I don’t know...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm stuck in a financial rut, has anyone gone bankrupt, done a debt agreement or Informal debt agreement? Can anyone offer any advice on which one Is better long term?
Anon Imperfect Mum
I need some positive stories to help me through this negative thinking rut! Story is long so bare with me... 3 years ago I'd finally had enough and got up the strength and courage to leave my DV marriage... During the time we were together there was extreme amounts of emotional abuse, financial...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi, I’m a sahm of 3 kids. I’ve worked on and off to help with bring in more income when my husband was on a lower income. Over a year ago I lost my job so went and studies however once I completed my course there wasn’t any jobs available so I kept looking for quite a while. In that time while...
G’day ladies, Has anyone started their own business as an independent disability support worker? I worked for 12 years in supported independent living facilities (group homes) and have a lot of experience, but no formal qualifications. I took a year off from support work, as I needed a break, doing...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I think my son might have to declare bankruptcy. What are the consequences of this. He is only 20 doesn’t own any assets. I’m worried this is a very bad thing.
Hi how do I report. My ex and i have 3 kids together I have been the 100 percent carer for the past 6 months for 2 of them and she has been claiming g For all the the whole time and refuses to give me a cent for the stuff they need and me and my two girls have been living off my mum for the past 5...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Has anyone dealt with a similar situation and can give me some idea what to expect when we contact Centrelink? I need some general advice before spending three weeks on hold... My parents separated approximately 12 years ago. Dad moved out and applied for a single aged pension. On his application,...