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Anon Imperfect Mum
Do people break up too easily these days? My husband and I are discussing separation. I am not happy yet he believes he is in love with me and we should stay together. We have kids together and he has kids to a prior relationship. I think he holds on so much because he doesn't want another broken...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I’ve given it my all, I really have. But I need to get my baby on a bottle, I’ve tried everything I can think of, all bottles, all formulas, expressed breastmilk, the second the teat touches his lips it’s full on meltdown. I’ve left the house, he screams until I’m back. He’s 5 months old, the 4th...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I am a single parent to a 15 year old girl. I have started a new relationship and want to go away for a couple of nights with this man. I don't get much time with him because I am normally with my daughter. My daughter is very angry and upset about this and doesn't want me to go. I have given her...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have a 1.5 year old who is a dream and that I absolutely adore. I very much identify as an "attached parent", breastfeeding, co-sleeping, etc. I love it all but wonder when/if I'll ever feel like more than my son's mum again? My son doesn't sleep well; however, I work part-time and have good...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I’ve just recently had my second baby (12 year gap in between) and I am feeling lost - not in being a Mum and the Mum duties but feel like I’ve lost myself somewhere... I love my family so much and they are my whole reason for everything. My partner is amazing and works so hard for us and that...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What do you do with gifts from christening? My kids were both christened as newborns and now are early teens, I’m packing up to move and I have 15 x unused my christening photo frames 11 x first tooth/ curl 13 x silver first money boxes. I feel like I should keep these as obviously people spent...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello, we have recently been told by the dental hospital that our 2.5 year olds 2 top front teeth have to be extracted due to decay which is clearly visible and it looks like a small hole has also appeared near the top if one! We have been told all manner or reasons from too much dried fruit (she...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Opinion Can I say ladies I have posted a couple of times of the years about a few different issues I have being a mother and I must say many of you a keyboard warriors attacking someone for asking for advice particularly when step parenting is an issue it’s not only my posts I have noticed it on...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi ladies I am really struggling at the moment I am 4 months post having my son and also have two daughter's, 5 and 9. I feel like every day is a struggle, I am constantly in a state of high anxiety and then when that subsides I feel so depressed and just want to crawl into bed and cry. I beat...
Anon Imperfect Mum
For a year my brother and his wife relied on us for everything from nappies to clothes for their two kids as they said my brother was not earning enough in his commission based job to cover their mortgage. They borrowed $12000 from my parents to avoid losing their home. A year later I learned my...