
Anon Imperfect Mum
I sometimes cry in my car all the way to work when I think of all the things he’s put me through over the years. Certain things just trigger memories. He’s ruined every single bit of my life. My happiness, my parenting journey, my social life, my mental health, my looks. Just everything, including...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Stress! I have extreme stress at the moment. Im talking high, high stress. I have my first psychologist appointment soon. But what are other ways to deal with stress levels this high? It’s caused by an ongoing problem that probably won’t be out of my life for years yet unfortunately. I can’t get...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Has anyone dealt with a similar situation and can give me some idea what to expect when we contact Centrelink? I need some general advice before spending three weeks on hold... My parents separated approximately 12 years ago. Dad moved out and applied for a single aged pension. On his application,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Pros & cons of getting a dog? Been thinking about it for so long, but I’m worried about vet costs etc.
Anon Imperfect Mum
How the heck do we make friends as middle aged women? I’m 40. I wish I had just 1 friend! I’ve been talking to another school mum every now and then. She’s pretty cool. I really would love to be proper friends with her but I don’t know how to make it happen? (Omg, I know it sounds stupid). Do I ask...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Quietly freaking out Partner passed away 4 years ago. Tested after he passed as he had a form of HPV cancer. Was told it wouldn’t affect me but wanted peace of mind. Lately I have very smelly cloudy urine and discharge smells like a dead rat. After sex on 3 separate occassions my partner has...
Anon Imperfect Mum
To all the ladies who asked for an update. I think I am ready to talk about it now, for those of your that remember my post. For those that don't here is a link. Questions: EDIT: Court in 7 days I got to court feeling it would be better not being alive right now than having all this Adrenlin and...
Anon Imperfect Mum
They say that the best revenge on a toxic ex is a glow up! But how? When you have absolutely nothing left in you, no confidence, no self esteem, no happiness, no drive, no attractiveness, no soul, no happiness… just nothing. Nothing left except self hatred and ugliness. On the verge of depression...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello my beautiful mums. I wrote in a year ago desperately seeking support... My daughter who was 9 years old at the time has disclosed sexual abuse. It's now been 14 months since disclosure. This isn't a question but a post to share some of my story. To warn other mothers and hopefully get some...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Why do I never ever see stuff in my Facebook news feed that some of my friends post? Like never. Not even profile pic changes or anything. Would they have their settings changed so I don’t see it for some reason? I can see everything when I go to their profile, it’s just never in my news feed