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Anon Imperfect Mum
Has anyone been through court to have child's last name changed? My one year old has had no contact for months now with his father and obviously only being one he has no attachment to his last name? Father won't agree to name change. Also wondering how much financially this would cost?
Anon Imperfect Mum
Really stuck on baby names... Nothing is jumping out to us... we have borrowed books from the library, search movie credits and school newsletters and websites after websites and i can not find anything that jumps out to me... We have two boys... Lachlan and Tyler. And a short list of Noah and...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Warning, distressing content. I'm the woman who wrote in a while ago about my exs brother being charged with watching child pornography and whether or not I should tell my exs family who has very small children. The court case was today. Hes been found guilty! But... he basically got off with a...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Help on girls names starting with G I have trawled Google and there really are not that many but looking for names that might not be so common
Anon Imperfect Mum
I'm having a baby girl in April, and se are really struggling to come up with any girls names we both like.. I work in childcare so I find a lot of names I just dont like due to association. Any ideas?
Kristy, a few mums from another page & myself have had a thought after the tragic little baby girl found on the Gold Coast Beach, who it turns out was homeless living on the streets with her parents and a sibling. We dont know all the infomation surrounding this story but we want to be able to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My partner and i have been together 3 years. We both have two children each from prior relationships. i never married he did. We are expecting our first child together . He wants the child to take his last name. I want the child to have mine. We currently do not live together. He is susposed to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi All, We have a little babe joining our tribe in a month. We have unusal names for our little ones but just wonding if this ones middle name is to feminine for a little lad.... (we dont actually know what we are having) Otis McKenna B.... The middle name is our parents last names mixed. Help...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Can anyone suggest any middle names for Iris ? I was thinking Iris Kaitlyn or Iris kate but not sure either goes well ..
Couples who are not married - which last name did the kids take yours or his or both ?