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Anon Imperfect Mum
Advice needed. I had a partner move in with me. Was living there for 12 months with his 2 x teenage children fulltime and 5 year old every second weekend. My 2 are with me week on week off. Asked him to move out 7 months ago. I know it’s over as I was not happy with how I was treated by his...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Where do you take your child to get checked for ADHD? My child is struggling in class, easily distracted. Doesn't pay attention, calls out in class and paces the class room and won't sit still for long period of times. He's the same at home when you're trying to have a conversation with him and he...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello All, My son started kindergarten this year in NSW so first official year of schooling. He settled in well and was happy to go first few weeks then all of a sudden the past few weeks he has shown signs of anxiety every morning about going, he is vomiting every morning from this. I ask him what...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I’m wanting to start the process of getting a passport for my 4 year old to go on a 2 week holiday overseas. However I have to fill out a B9 form in hopes to get it without the fathers permission (he is on the B/Certificate) due to there being a DVO in place. I’m certain he would say no purely to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello everyone, I'm not a parent yet, so I hope this isn't scandalous for me to be on this platform. I really want to be a parent though! I'm 26 years old and I'm high functioning autistic. I pretty much lead a normal life, but have some trouble with socialization and executive function. I struggle...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My 10 yr old daughter is having trouble finding her people and fitting in. So bit of a back story she is in year 5 and is almost 11 this year has been really hard, she was put in a mixed class 5/6's and was separated from all her friends (she only has 3 really good friends) She is really struggling...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IM community, Just wanting to know if I’m crazy for wanting to have another child? I’m 40 next year. I have a 5 and a half year old daughter who is my world! Prior to my daughter I lost 3 babies. I have depression, anxiety and I think I’m about to be diagnosed with ADHD. I did not have a good...
Anon Imperfect Mum
our son is 12 and just started year 7. He is our eldest so this is all new to us! After the first week he came home and said he had a girlfriend, we naturally asked a few questions about her, finding out she is 13 almost 14 and in year 8. No worries we thought, they are young and no doubt so shy to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Secondary school choice regret/anxiety My son has just started year 7 this year and for some reason it is stirring up my emotions and making me turn into a complete anxious mess. Is it because I have to travel 15-20 mins when there are other schools closer? Is it due to my son being separated from...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My son is 7.5 years old and was diagnosed asd at around 3 years old. Is he high very functioning. He has friends and lives an all round happy life. Since returning to school (year 2) this year he hasn’t been himself at all. Not listening or participating, removing himself from the group, threw...