
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi IMs, A bit of an personal question... I have a pre-teen son who is active with various sports and loves to run around at school. Unfortunately despite using like Lynx and Rexona anti-perspirant deodorants, he has BO so bad, especially after school. He showers every day and I always remind him to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi dear ladies I’m struggling so much with my marriage and how we can improve our relationship. My husband and I tick the boxes on both being high functioning autistic adults with our middle school aged kids diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder over the past few years. I work closely...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hey all! My baby is getting braces in a few weeks, one thing I forgot to ask the orthodontist, but I will, Is what do we do about a mouth guard for sports? Is it recommended to wear one or will the wax do the trick? Wondering about hurting the inside of the mouth as well as damage to braces. Not...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Living on the East Coast and thinking we would like to make the move to the West Coast. The move would be away from our friends and siblings. My parents have both passed and my inlaws are estranged so there's very limited to no support raising our girls here. Can you KINDLY share your experiences...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Help! My son is the fussiest eater, we can’t get him to eat or even try fruit/vegetables. We have cut it in all different shapes and sizes, puréed fruit, done smoothies but he refuses it all. The only time I can get some veggies into him is grating it so finely and putting it into a bolognaise...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have 2 boys, 11 and 7. Both are beautiful and amazing in their own little ways. My eldest loves sport and does swimming, taekwondo and footy. Despite this love...he is actually really struggling with footy and swimming, but he's doing well in taekwondo of all things. His swimming instructor said...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi mummies, anyone have any advice? My ten year old just will not go to bed at night!! I've tried everything. I limit screen time, limit dessert to before a certain time, have a good bed time routine, give her a chance to talk about her day...but no matter what I do she will just not settle and go...
Anon Imperfect Mum
We are currently on a 3 month holiday in our caravan, visiting all kinds of amazing places in Australia. The problem is my 12 year old isn’t coping. He is missing his friends and (understandably) doesn’t want to hang out with his parents or “annoying” younger siblings. He seems to be happy when we...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I wrote a book!! I've got it written and have all ideas ready BUT how do I find an illustrator? And what's the process to get it printed? Then possibly published? Any help would be great!
Anon Imperfect Mum
My sweet little 8 year old boy is caught in the middle of a triangular friendship. One friend he’s had since Kindy. They are both quite gentle, kind and empathetic (my son to the point of his own detriment). He doesn’t like watching sad or scary movies because he feels too much emotion for others...