
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Just after advice & experiences of others who got to the step parent adoption DCP home visit report phase, my partner and kid are super excited but super nervous as well. We want some advice on what to expect, what they look for, how long the visits take, do you have your house rent...
Anon Imperfect Mum
After some genuine advice/opinions... At which age do you think children would be safe and capable to walk alone to the nearest grocery store in NSW? Say the local store is a 7 minute walk from your home. The road the child would have to cross is a busy, wide, semi- industrial area. There are no...
Anon Imperfect Mum
How can I get my son to stop wetting the bed? We’ve seen gp, pead, incont nurse, psychologist and had ultrasounds etc. We’ve limited drinks during the afternoon, woken him up through the night, tried bed wetting alarm. Literally tried everything. I don’t know what else to do. He’s almost 12 (and...
need help badly ladies..i have an 11 year old girl that has the most random outbursts to the point she will abuse anyone in the household. she has threatened to harm/ hurts/ kill everyone. then the next min she will be as sweet as pie and dosent seem to understand why no one is talking to her or...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Help Does anyone have information, fact based research about children under the age of 5 doing 50/50 shared care? Is it beneficial for them to be away from their mother this much. My ex owns his own business and works very long hours out of the home 8-14 hours a day sometimes more. He wants 50/50...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I need to have a rant! This is something that has been p*sing me off for a while. STOP judging other mothers for the way they are bringing up their kids!! I’m so sick of it! Apart from it being none of your business, it also wears the mother down so much thinking she’s a failure. I’ve been judged...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I would like to become a teachers aide. What is the course called that I would do? Is it through Tafe? I have no idea where to start or what to do. Any help and advice appreciated.
Anon Imperfect Mum
My 9yr old son is struggling so much. He doesn’t have many friends and he doesn’t have an activity he is into. We have tried just about everything. Since lockdowns he has had meltdowns We have tried to get him help but most gps just brushed us off. Finally got one to listen but everywhere we got...
Anon Imperfect Mum
We have just started a relationship with my husbands adult daughter (short story…he didn’t know she was his daughter until well into her teens and they lived away). Surprise, paternity test and it’s a positive. Except she comes with LOTS of ’stuff’ from her life with her mother. There’s trauma,...
Anon Imperfect Mum
How did this happen? I mean I know how, but we were careful, I’m on contraception and haven’t missed it. We’ve only done the deed a handful of times (yes I know once is all it takes) and yet here we are, baby number three coming ten or eleven months after baby number two. How do I tell my husband,...