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Kristy, a few mums from another page & myself have had a thought after the tragic little baby girl found on the Gold Coast Beach, who it turns out was homeless living on the streets with her parents and a sibling. We dont know all the infomation surrounding this story but we want to be able to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I’m a SAHM of a toddler and am pregnant with No 2 - lately I just haven’t had the willpower or motivation to do anything. I know I have to clean my increasingly messy house and I know I should be playing more with my lo but It’s just like I can’t get my body to do anything and then I feel even...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi curious to know. Father is refusing to hand child over to mother becuase mother has a new partner. Hands eldest child over no worries becuase there is a court order in place for eldest child. No court order for youngest child. As it turns out the father is not named on the birth certificate for...
Anon Imperfect Mum
So my partner and I have been trying to have a baby for just under 12 months. I have an appointment with a gyno because in September I was diagnosed with PCOS and I haven’t had a period for over 100 days. We have decided that we will only keep trying until July next year when we get married because...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have been a stay at home Mum for 11 years and have 3 children, youngest being almost 2. Hubby is FIFO. I need a break. Hubby and I are fighting a lot and I’m so stressed lately with everything (lots going on not just being Mum). I want to go away for the weekend by myself. I feel like I can’t...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Ladies, I need advice on how to speak to my 13 year old son about his new girlfriend and some of the messages she sends him. She says that she is going to hurt herself all the time and seems to be fishing for him to reply “no don’t do it” etc... I am pretty certain she isn’t serious with any of...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Ladies, I need advice on how to speak to my 13 year old son about his new girlfriend and some of the messages she sends him. She says that she is going to hurt herself all the time and seems to be fishing for him to reply “no don’t do it” etc... I am pretty certain she isn’t serious with any of...
Anon Imperfect Mum
How do I learn to love myself? I'm really struggling with life at the moment. I'm always grumpy I'm so high stung it's not funny and I guess just really no fun to be around. I'm trying to be full time mum, full time working mum (from home) full time house wife, a good wife, I'm trying to study to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi all, why do I continually feel like I should have a 4th baby? Has anyone felt like this and then had a 4th? I don’t know why I constantly feel this way, when I’m trying so hard not to. Does the feeling ever go away? Pls tell me it does.
Anon Imperfect Mum
Im feeling so frustrated. I feel like I need help hitting the reset button but just dont quite know how to. I have 2 boys, 13 years and 11 years. Since they have been little, they have fought over EVERYTHING!! Who got the blue cup, who has the first shower, he got more drink than me arrgghh. Over...