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Sunday, 10 September 2017 - 10:00
Hey mums and dads. I'm a single mum to one who's in early years of high school. Those that are single working parents, also those that both parents work FT away from their children for long periods of time. How do you cope with this? I'm feeling so guilty as of late. I used to work 50 hours a...
Friday, 8 September 2017 - 06:57
Am I a horrible mom? I have a child with a disability that was an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. He still takes a lot of day to day care, he's 6, in nappies, can't dress, wash, or feed himself. He can't talk or communicate much. It took a long time to figure out how to bond with him, I was a single...
Thursday, 7 September 2017 - 22:10
My daughter is just about to turn 7 and in grade one. She has quite fair skin and really dark hair (thanks to the Italian genes!) and it is incredibly visible on her arms and legs. She has been regularly asking if she can get rid of the hair on both, and doesn't like wearing shorts or skirts but...
Monday, 4 September 2017 - 10:32
I have two boys (10 & 8), both have ADHD and the eldest with high functioning Autism. I separated from their father when they were quite young due to family violence issues including suicide attempts if I ever threatened to leave him. After going through Family Court and him being ordered to...
Sunday, 3 September 2017 - 20:47
Dad has been working away for 2 years now. 3 weeks on 1 week off. Most weeks are pretty good sometimes though, there are alot of tears! Usually goes in stages, theyll be fine for 3 months then the next 2 they can get upset. Mostly on fly out day and the few days following. Other then phone/video...
Sunday, 3 September 2017 - 17:00
First of all, thankyou for everyone's responses. I did read them all. I have spoken to my sister since I asked my original question. Some people seemed to have not read through it completely or just ignored what I wrote. So I will elaborate and answer people's questions. Our second child, that I am...
Sunday, 3 September 2017 - 11:36
How do you do it...life this bullshit thing they call life. I'm a 32yr old single mum with a miss 9 and miss 13 with no family near by and very minimal friebds I work almost/sometimes more then 70hrs a week which I drive 1.5hrs each way to work everyday usually 6days a week, I budget extremely well...
Friday, 1 September 2017 - 20:01
My partner and I have been together 2 and a half years and about 8 months into the relationship he cheated on me and the woman got pregnant. I didn't find out until a month before he was born and we worked through the really hard time in our relationship. I am fortunate enough to have a beautiful...
Friday, 1 September 2017 - 13:19
Freelancing/Consulting Work A bit of the back story, I currently work for an International Company within the APJ region and there is a huge possibility of being made redundant due to loosing a massive project, the only way I will still have a job is if some other opportunities come in. I have a...
Tuesday, 29 August 2017 - 11:12
I don’t know what Im really asking…..but I need help. My marriage is over – has been for years – but we stayed together for the sake of the kids. We are preparing the house to sell. I have four children – 14 and under. My kids have great friends and a great life in our country town. The issue is I...