
We have a nanny for our 4 year old, to keep him safe during Covid, since he can't get vaccinated yet. She's been with us for 2 years already. She just tested positive for Covid, as did our son, the one we were all trying to protect. He currently has a cough. We know that the nanny had been picking...
As I sit here and write this I'm in tears. My husband and I are at breaking point financially. We have barely any food and the food we do have I use to make as many meals for them as possible. Two of there birthdays are coming up and we can't even afford gifts for them. I suffer from mental health...
Parenting How do you cope when you yourself have significant mental/neurological conditions, all of your children have significant mental and neurological conditions. Sure you have a supportive husband but he has severe ptsd too How can no one tell you the negatives of parenting. No one tells you...
My 2.5yr old has absolutely broken me. He is our first born and we’ve just bought home his new brother. I do understand that we’ve absolutely flipped his world upside down by bringing home a sibling for him. My husband and I are trying to spend as much 1:1 time with him and do things that are just...
Please help. I'm at breaking point with my 8 year old daughter and feel like I've failed as a mother. She has ADHD but I feel theres something more at play. She has started acting out and throwing tantrums like she did when she was younger. If things don't go exactly to how she envisioned them she...
Hello. I am posting this in the hopes of some guidance, advice, support (all of the above basically) as i feel so lousy as a Mother atm. My 11 year old daughter came home from school one day well over a year ago now and informed me that she was bisexual and that she had a girlfriend. I told her I...
Please help I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins and I found our last week that one of the twins has no heart beat. I am beyond devastated! This isn’t my first miscarriage but it has hit me so hard. I have 3 other children so it would have been baby number 4 and 5, completing our family! Now I feel...
Father of my 10 month old baby is into drugs and out on bail for assaulting someone with a weapon.He has twice weekly visits at his family members house, which was suggested by my solicitor. He has now started to drive around with baby in his car. He has so many enemies that are out to get him. I...
Am I the A-Hole?? I need help on a situation between myself and my mother. Please keep in mind that there is much more to the story than what I'm writing here. There is a lot of hurt and wrong doing on both sides, it will just be a novel so I'm just sharing the immediate issue. There is a question...
Hi ladies, My husband and I have been trying to decide if we will do the whole Santa thing with our kiddo. I read an article awhile ago that stated it's bad to do Santa because it's lying to your children. I can see that. I too initially thought I wouldn't do Santa at all. I'm now reconsidering it...