
Have you ever seriously sat and thought to yourself, how the hell did I get here? Whether it is a significant event that causes you to ask the question or just pondering in life... Like what the f*#K happened to get me to this point? I feel like I have wasted so much time and energy on people...
I have an IVO against my ex, and he is currently on a good behaviour bond with several criminal charges pending. He has court ordered dinners with our 13 year old son once per week, and much to my dismay the court agreed to one night per fortnight for our son to stay over. Our 17 year old daughter...
It is so hard to have narcissistic traits and be a mother. I am constantly reminding myself that it’s not all about myself. I worked a super long, draining week at work, came home, and on my first day off my daughter had a high fever. I looked forward to relaxing and de-stressing but My days off...
Has anyone kept their child back and regretted it? Socially my 4yo is ready to start prep next year, however I’m just not sure he’s ready emotionally. He’s a saint at school. Out going, caring but does have a little trouble with concentration and a few speech issues which are being seen to. He will...
So I have a dilemma. IlI'ma singke parent and live in a small rural community with limited shopping and other facilities. It is a dead end place. The opportunity for meaningful work is limited. I have teens at home. One has just finished school and will live at home to save money while having a gap...
my 4 year old used to be the sweetest little guy, everyone would comment how empathetic and kind he was. he was cheeky, funny, loving etc etc. but lately it's like a switch has flipped and he just winges and whines over EVERYTHING. I'm lucky that there's no tantrums or anything like that, just...
Hi sisterhood. I desperately need some objective ideas and ways to navigate a narcissist. He is an ex of 4 years. Very toxic, controlling and manipulative. Our children are early teens now. I have open and honestly tried every type of way to deal with his ongoing patronising behaviour, gaslighting...
I feel like I'm losing my son My 22 y/o son who lives with me seems to be struggling with mental health issues, he's lacking motivation, direction, purpose and after trying for so long I'm just at a loss as to how I can encourage him to find his purpose and to act on it. His father and I divorced a...
Please help; I’m struggling so much with my 6 year old daughter. It’s taking me so much emotional effort just to write this. Quick backstory, her dad and I seperated when she was 9 months, she’s now 6. (She also has a currently 10 year old sister with anxiety history but mental health currently...
I am a mum of adult children. I have been asked by a very dear friend with a primary school aged child if I would consider being the child's guardian should anything ever happen to her (a godmother of sorts). My friend is in a long term defacto relationship with a man who has adult children from...