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Thursday, 11 February 2021 - 06:25
I know this will be long, sorry. TLDR; ex husband is trying to control my life by not pre arranging phone calls and shows no interest in his son My ex husband is in a different state to me. I moved states to be with my family when i left him as he was abusive. We share a child who is now 9 (4 when...
Monday, 8 February 2021 - 19:08
I’ve alway been super close to my brother, we don’t live in the same town but that has never impacted our bond, I’ve always bailed him out of anything & supported him with life events (there’s been plenty of them) so his dating a woman 10 plus his senior not a big deal I actually thought ok...
Monday, 8 February 2021 - 18:12
My 6 and a half year old ADHD cannot stand to lose. He cries, carries on, cheats, storms off and refuses to play anymore... I don’t know how to help him. He’s struggling to keep friends at school. We’ve tried talking about it, modelling good losing, rewarding good reactions to a loss (so he can do...
Monday, 25 January 2021 - 13:00
Is this situation wrong or is it me? What do I do? - dad is 36 years old. -son is 15 yrs old. -son brought to dad's a 17 Yr old female friend who was experiencing mental health problems. - 17 yr old 'threw' herself at dad and they proceeded to have a sexual relationship. -this went on for a few...
Thursday, 21 January 2021 - 10:52
I have seen a lot of posts on Facebook recently (not on this page just in general) about step parents. I want to have a discussion about what others think is appropriate or not appropriate for step parents to do. Eg discipline and big decisions (Remember others may have a different opinion and that...
Wednesday, 20 January 2021 - 10:03
Just a B##CH SESSION Our boys f**k every family holiday, and I'm exhorsted. My partner us currently sitting on th sofa, given up on packing the car, because they can't do anything with out beating into each other. Back chatting, making stupid noises, not listening, and the list goes on. W can't...
Monday, 18 January 2021 - 22:16
My nephew is 3, and my daughter is 18 months old, every time we go to their house to visit them my daughter ends up getting hurt (intentionally by 3 year old nephew) I'm lost at what can be done as my sister doesn't discipline him or correct the behaviour (she ignores it completely) and I find...
Friday, 15 January 2021 - 12:22
I have raised my step son for most of his life, He's now a pre teen. We have never been super close but I love him as much as my own, and would give up my world for him. He hates me. He has no respect for me, calls me horrid names. His step dad calls me a mutt so my step son does now, I'm a fat "c...
Tuesday, 12 January 2021 - 16:01
Im struggling big time with my 8 year old. He's so defiant and gets pissed off big time. We've taken him to a paediatrician who said his main issue is his defiance and that he understands 100% right from wrong. We constantly remind him to take deep breaths and walk away if something or someone...
Monday, 11 January 2021 - 23:37
Oh I am feeling utterly imperfect at the moment Back story Husband cheated on me and I ended marriage when DD was 3 He is from NZ When DD was 5 he left and returned to NZ without so much as a goodbye. I have re married and he is a wonderful man who treats and considers DD his daughter Problems DD...