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Tuesday, 21 January 2020 - 19:00
My employer has sold their business. They are still there currently as apparently they have a lot of OHS issues and things to fix before they can hand over. I am manager of one of the departments. Not since they sold but things have gotten worse. The business is falling apart. I am dealing with...
Saturday, 11 January 2020 - 14:18
I'm after advice on how to improve my life. I know a lot of people will tell me to just do it but I honestly can't find the motivation. I'm 25 and a single mum and weight 120kg, I so desperately want to lose weight but just can't find the motivation to eat well and exercise. Everyday I start with...
Tuesday, 7 January 2020 - 12:27
I have just moved house and am paying more rent than previously. So I need to budget better and spend less on my weekly shop. But at the same time I want to lose weight and eat healthier. At the moment I eat a lot of carbs (bread, rice and pasta) because it's cheap and tastes good lol. I want to...
Wednesday, 1 January 2020 - 20:43
Hi there, I’m looking to start working again after five years off. In this time I’ve had two kids and have been a stay at home mum. I’m just wondering what everyone suggests I use as references on my resume. I will contact my previous boss to see how she feels about me using her, but aside from her...
Thursday, 12 December 2019 - 16:14
I had a stomach bug 2.5 weeks or so ago, I'm not sure what it was but I had the runs and vomitted once. The diarrhoea seemed to hang around for ages and I was just starting to come good and bang today had more diarrhoea. I'm driving myself silly trying to figure out what it is, it's not lactose...
Wednesday, 11 December 2019 - 11:31
Hey IMs I am considering travelling/living OS for 6-12months thinking of leaving mid next year. I am 27 and have a DD who is 7yo (will be 8 at the time)(single parent no dad on birth certificate) I see hundreds of stories online of parents who have done this backpack world with child in tow. I...
Thursday, 5 December 2019 - 19:58
Long story short. Im pregnant the father already has a daughter an a son . He has his son fulltime but has never met or known his daughter, he pays child support for her but always said to me cause he doesn't work he pays minimum but the catch is he owns a business an I've seen the money he earns!...
Wednesday, 4 December 2019 - 19:24
I have heard of gastro causing temporary lactose intolerance in children but can it do the same in adults? I had a nasty stomach bug nearly 10 days ago now. In the last 5 or so days I had been staying of dairy and I was almost back to 100%. Then today I had some dairy and within a couple of hours...
Monday, 2 December 2019 - 15:16
I had some sort of stomach bug or food poisoning last week. It was mainly just the runs but I chucked once as well. I ended up taking gastro stop which stopped me from using my bowels. I feel better now but my bowels still haven't returned to normal and are still small and loose but not diarrhoea...
Saturday, 9 November 2019 - 10:44
So, I was grocery shamed the other day by a kid who couldn't have been older than 10 or 11. She was quite vocal (to who I assume was her dad - who was sort of humouring her with disinterest in a way parents can be really good at) about my trolley full of murder, the bacon really ticked her off 😂😂...