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Sunday, 30 July 2017 - 18:29
I'll try and keep this one brief. My husband and I have been married for 10 years together 12. He has 2 sons from his previous marriage (17 and 16). I have a great relationship with my stepsons. My husband and I chose to not have children of our own, as frankly I never pictured myself a mother and...
Monday, 17 July 2017 - 02:55
Hey everyone. I will try to make this as easy as possible to understand. I just recently have bought a new car to fit everything in but I'm having an issues making my rearward facing car seat fit. ( YES I HAVE HAD IT PROEPELY INSTALLED). In my old car the baby seat would sit so nicely on the seat...
Monday, 26 June 2017 - 14:15
I'm needing some help purchasing gifts for my LO's God parents that they will love. Any ideas would be appreciated. In your experience what was a great gift you received from your God child? TIA!
Thursday, 22 June 2017 - 15:39
Joining the SES
Saturday, 3 June 2017 - 07:44
I am trying to start a small online business to support my little family. I am finding it hard to get the word out and promote what I am doing via facebook and Instagram. Does anyone have any suggestions and tips on what I could do please?
Sunday, 21 May 2017 - 20:04
So this is a bit complicated i think, i have two beautiful daughters my eldest is 9, her father was inappropriate with her when she was 3 it was invesrigayed and although jirt and police agreed there was something as she was under 5 with no physical evidence so he was not charged but supervised...
Friday, 12 May 2017 - 18:22
I was wondering if anyone knew of any places my 12 year old and I could do volunteer work one weekend a month in Sydney? Have emailed a few places but am told she has to be over 18. Surely there is somewhere suitable where we can do this together? Thank you!
Monday, 1 May 2017 - 23:57
Calling all the organised mums!! I need your help! I have so many family photos and I am running out of space on my computer and phone! I do back ups but I would like a really easy to use way to store photos. I want them safe where nobody online could hack them being that my kids are in them, and...
Monday, 1 May 2017 - 18:23
I'm a single mum with no family or close friends near by. My children get sick often and the germs often get passed between them, meaning it's not unusual for me to have a 4 to 5 days at a time of sick children. I've tried numerous things to boost their immune systems and I thought it would improve...
Sunday, 30 April 2017 - 10:49
Hi Sisterhood, Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for couples counselling in Cairns. We are separated parents, on very good terms, we spend a lot of time together with our child but unfortunately we are having a few problems and want to sort them out. We don't want Relationships Australia...