Sunday, 26 February 2023 - 16:42
I need some legal and helpful advice please regarding where we stand in a fencing issue. Not anything that is fuelling the upset that we are currently feeling. EDIT (As a “sisterhood community” I ask for support because I am at my wits end with these neighbours, yet I receive some comments here on...
Sunday, 26 February 2023 - 15:35
My son is 7.5 years old and was diagnosed asd at around 3 years old. Is he high very functioning. He has friends and lives an all round happy life. Since returning to school (year 2) this year he hasn’t been himself at all. Not listening or participating, removing himself from the group, threw...
Thursday, 23 February 2023 - 22:58
Earlier this week after weeks of me and her dad trying to figure out what was going on, my five year old disclosed to me that she was being bullied both in class and on the bus home. There were some pretty horrific things being said to her including that a much older child would kill her, as well...
Wednesday, 15 February 2023 - 13:01
I lost my husband last January. He had a massive coronary right next to me. We’ve been dealing with a lot. I have a 13 year old son with him. He didn’t have life insurance. I had to fight for my house because the mortgage was in his name everything that could happen, and it did happened last year,...
Sunday, 12 February 2023 - 20:19
Going to my kids sporting games and training days makes me feel so awkward and sad. Everyone already knows everyone and they all talk together. They tend to be the “higher class” people, the ones whose kids go to private schools and the women all drive fancy cars and such. I’m the opposite. And I’...
Saturday, 11 February 2023 - 22:20
I suffer terrible anxiety and stress. My stress is getting to me a lot lately and getting worse recently with the cost of living and bills piling in everywhere etc. and without even really realising it, I was taking it out on the kids. I’ve just been so snappy, grouchy, easily annoyed, and bossy...
Saturday, 11 February 2023 - 17:44
This might be a stupid question but do narcissist people have any feelings? Like, they always make you feel sad and upset, but in their quiet moments, do they ever think to themselves, shit I feel bad for that? I know they would never admit it. Or do they just always 100% of the time think they are...
Friday, 10 February 2023 - 22:03
Hi mums, I'm asking here because I'm extremely embarrassed and self conscious and I don't have the courage to ask any of my local groups, that and I know some admins of them groups and I only know of one other person with the same "condition" as me. I am a skin picker. I pick the skin around my...

Sunday, 5 February 2023 - 16:21
need help badly ladies..i have an 11 year old girl that has the most random outbursts to the point she will abuse anyone in the household. she has threatened to harm/ hurts/ kill everyone. then the next min she will be as sweet as pie and dosent seem to understand why no one is talking to her or...
Sunday, 5 February 2023 - 14:58
Help Does anyone have information, fact based research about children under the age of 5 doing 50/50 shared care? Is it beneficial for them to be away from their mother this much. My ex owns his own business and works very long hours out of the home 8-14 hours a day sometimes more. He wants 50/50...