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Friday, 28 February 2020 - 20:54
Hey everyone. I’m a mum of 4. Problem is we have always been poor, I was born and raised in a low income family, my partner works when he can but he helps me a lot at home and has lost two jobs because I desperately needed his help. I have chronic back pain, to the point where some days I can...
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - 20:57
I'm a single mum to a just turned 3yo, I have found myself to constantly be on edge and angry and yell quite a bit. I want to change this I want to be a more patient and calmer parent but I'm worried that the damage is already done. Is it too late to change? What's the best way to change?
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 22:00
My ex and I have recently finished mediation. Due to my work schedule Friday 2 till 9 get home at 10pm, Saturday 6am -10am home 11/11.30 Sunday 10am till 1.30pm. I'm still on probation and very happy with my role. I was having my 2 boys (12 &14) every 2nd and 3rd weekend plus all school...
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 19:52
Please tell me I'm not the only mum who feels this way, I want to run away at the moment. I'm a single mum of one, I ask him to do something and it's a fight. Asked him when we got home today to pack a bag for his sleepover tomorrow night at my parents, didn't do it, left it until bedtime to do,...
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 08:52
Am I being too protective? I have 4 kids, the eldest is 11.5yrs (she looks 16! 173cms, boobs, not your average 11yr old!). She is starting to want more freedom. Like going on sleepovers (which I don't do), going to the shops with her friends etc. I think 11 is too young to just be wondering around...
Sunday, 23 February 2020 - 16:48
My elderly neighbour is becoming a bit of a pest and I don’t know how to politely ask her to stop insisting on visiting on a regular basis. She doesn’t have any family close by and they don’t visit her and she likes to keep herself busy by regularly visiting others. My issue is I have a very young...
Sunday, 23 February 2020 - 11:42
Other Grandparents contact. advice/suggestions have 3 sons (age 15. 19 and 22) they have nothing to do with their father (long store but he has declared he has mentaly buried them) my issue is I want them to have relationship with their grandparents because I dont want them to regret not having...
Friday, 21 February 2020 - 15:26
Does anyone else sit there and think what the point of life is. I'm a single mum with 100% care and little financial support from my ex. I have to work to stay afloat and I often find myself sitting here questioning what the point of it is. I seem to always be exhausted and my child never gets the...
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 - 22:08
Yes you read that right... My 5 year old son keeps running away from school. I’ll start off by saying this lil terror child of mine is my youngest child. My waters broke at 34 weeks and was admitted into hospital where they induced labor at 35 weeks was told nothing would start until the next day...
Monday, 17 February 2020 - 15:18
My friend has a baby due in a few months but has recently separated from his wife. Care arrangements for baby are unclear at this time as to how much time the dad will get to spend with the baby once it is here (the mother is controlling). The mother is inconsistent with making decisions regarding...