
I have an 11 year old and a 9 year old. I find these ages the hardest ages so far. My 11 year old is moody, rude, whingy, always glass half empty. She doesn’t fall asleep before 10pm every night despite me trying all the usual. The only thing that helps is melatonin but it feels wrong her using it...
My husband and I have 3 kids. A boy and two girls. When my son was a baby my husband and I absolutely adored him. He’s now 8 and has the general attitude an 8 year old boy usually has. I’ve noticed since our girls came along that the dynamic has changed. I’m not sure if it’s that we feel our 8 year...
Hi mummas, I have a 17year almost 18 old son very mature and responsible however how do you stop the anxiousness and worry when they go out with mates? I know I have raised a responsible and respectful young man but the worry and stress keeps me up until he comes home. Is he ok? Has he had an...
I have failed as a parent. Back ground, I was in a dv relationship with my ex, he did everything but physically hit me. He is a narcissist, I didn’t know what that even was until we went to couples therapy to help with “all my issues”. After our first session. I was contacted and asked to come back...
I can’t and won’t choose between my kids?? I need advise as I have been crying as I feel broken about my two oldest children. Back story I have a son 24 who is getting married. His sister made a bad choice last year. She had a sport tournament booked and paid for and was cancelled due to covid...
I can’t and won’t choose between my kids?? I need advise as I have been crying as I feel broken about my two oldest children. Back story I have a son 24 who is getting married. His sister made a bad choice last year. She had a sport tournament booked and paid for and was cancelled due to covid...
My 15 (almost 15 year old) recently got a 20 day suspension for having a knife at school. He didn't pull it out at school and no teachers saw it. 3 kids who dislike him told on him after he got one of them suspended for 20 days for online harassment. (Which they are still doing to him indirectly)...
My daughters father has been in jail for 2 years. Her paternal family now never see her, they make no effort, they’ll post a public hb to Facebook on her birthday with a picture from when she was younger, she doesn’t even use Facebook, she’s 11! They have my number. I’ve reached out multiple times...
I have a 15.5 year old daughter who has a boyfriend and they obviously wanted to take their relationship to next level so I took her to family planning and got the bar! As a parent I felt if I said no don’t do it they would anyway. Have I don’t the right thing ? I’ve have l a friend say to me but...
*****TRIGGER WARNING******** ****** CONTAINS MENTIONED ABUSE**** Hello wonderful world of supporters I don't really know where to start with this so please bare with me I've got a very sensitive situation happening and I'm needing some advice help something anything really. I'm in real need of...