
Hi dear ladies I’m struggling so much with my marriage and how we can improve our relationship. My husband and I tick the boxes on both being high functioning autistic adults with our middle school aged kids diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder over the past few years. I work closely...
Hi ladies, The big question...I am at a stage in my life, where im a bit lost to be honest. Im now 40 years young, and I've worked my backside off since I was 17 and am a single mum to a now 14year old, who I currently home school. However, my current job as a restaurant manager, has made me...
I have 2 boys, 11 and 7. Both are beautiful and amazing in their own little ways. My eldest loves sport and does swimming, taekwondo and footy. Despite this love...he is actually really struggling with footy and swimming, but he's doing well in taekwondo of all things. His swimming instructor said...
Hello! I suffer from a chronic health condition that is having more frequent, acute relapses. I have a few different pain medications that had been prescribed but I don't take them because I have many children who need a parent. I've recently learned, out of sheer desperation more than anything...
Hey all!! Just a quick question, I'm a shift worker so I'm Im tossing up care options for 3 primary school aged kids. OOSH (out of school hour care) is a possibility I can look into for early mornings but I thought a baby sitter could work? Does anyone know the going rate for a baby sitter (would...
How to cope, when life is falling apart. I am a single mother to three. And I feel as though I have been dished the worse life possible. That sounds terrible but I feel like nothing ever goes well. I’m struggling big time. And 99% of the time the only reason I’m alive is my kids. I live rurally. I...
Advice needed. This afternoon, my 9yo daughter offered her dad a piece of chocolate (KitKat one rectangle / half a strip). He said no because of his gym diet. He continued to say he wants it, but he can't have it. My daughter being her, heard the he wants it and said "come one dad, its just one...
Is it okay to say it’s your choice now… alcohol or me? I hate ultimatums too! I’m thinking when your tired of the shit that goes down when he does! I drink a glass or two when I drink, he drinks til drunk. That’s like a bottle or two. I’m thinking I also sound like such a cow to be thinking this!...
Hi Sisterhood. I am after some parenting advice My child is 7 and has become curious with his own little body.. Humping, rubbing on things.. I need advice, as a single parent raising a boy on my own, I’m a little stuck.. Father isn’t in the picture, and no male figures to talk to him. I have told...
I’m about to give up. I have 3 beautiful little girls, but after years and years and years of having to advocate just to survive, I can’t do it any more. I’m physically disabled with MS on top of that. The levels of pain I’m in are very severe. My daughters all have additional needs, we escaped...