
Hi mums, I am trying to understand how a mother can do this to her only daughter. She hasn't seen her in 2.5 years, doesn't call or even text to see how she is. My step daughter is absolutely distraught. She regularly gets upset and cries over why her mum doesn't want her in her life anymore. When...
I'm struggling! I'm struggling and I don't know where to seek out the help I need, Ive had child protection involved in my family for easily 2 years now if not more, although no one likes having CP involved I tried hard to keep telling myself that I am doing the best I can, I accepted any ideas,...
Hi Mums, Please be gentle as this is already hard enough. I am needing someone to tell me this does get better. My 13yo daughter came out at Xmas that she has been getting sexually abused for the past few years while at the other parents house on his weekends. She was extremely brave and made the...
My 12 year old daughter has a best friend who has been removed from her mums care and placed with her father. From what we hear dad is also not a great role model etc however we know she is warm, fed and has access to things she needs. I would dearly love better circumstances for this little girl,...
My 15 yr old daughter was severly bullied for close to 2 years. During this time she developed a number of anxiety disorders and also depression. I pulled her out of high school and she studied online schooling for 12mths before moving back to face to face teaching. The new school is specialised...
My autistic, very anxious, chronically Ill child is thriving at a private school but our family can no longer afford the school fees. 13 months ago I had a baby and my oldest developed a chronic medical condition (all at once our lives changed). I have not been able to return to work since due to...
My (primary school aged) child wants to have a few friends over for a play date on the holidays. I really want them to aswell. But my anxiety has already kicked in and we haven’t even organised anything yet. I’m an over thinker. I’m really paranoid about what the parents (and kids) will think of...
Okay so I know I’m going to get judged but please keep in mind im also asking for advice 😅 Firstly, I am single! I have just found out im pregnant. I took a really cheap eBay pregnancy test and it was positive (followed by first response also positive) anyway, my periods are all over the place. I’m...
This probably more of a rant than a question but I need to get it off my chest and here is the best place! How is it that because my ex is a lazy piece of crap that refuses to work (always has been this way) only has to pay $17 PER FORTNIGHT of CS for 3 children and yet my current partner is made...
Hi all, I would love some advice on the best way to support my 13 yr old son (asd, adhd) right now. I share custody with his father. I have recently come out of an extremely toxic relationship, and as much as I tried to protect my kids from the impact I know it has definitely affected him. He doesn...