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How was your third birth with big age gap between? Easier or harder ? I have 2 kids 12 and 13 and a half, pregnant eith 3rd 1st birth very long , 30 hrs, 2nd birth that was only 17 months later, easy, quick. I'm wonderong the likelyhood of easy and quick again or maybe possible it can be like my...
My head is spinning and I'm not sure what to do, I'm on the fence. I am almost 39 n my partner is 42, he keeps bringing up us having a kid together. We have been together for 4 yr n b4 we got together he had the snip which I was fine with the thought of never having more. I have a bio 18 yr old,...
Abortions . I'm after advice on mums who've decided on this when lifes circumstances aren't good enough for a baby. Damaged relationship and not having ideal life to offer the baby :/ Did you have to go to councelling first and whats that like and how long does that take? How was the proceedure? I'...
Hi ladies! What maternity bras would you recommend? Looking for something that’s supportive/lifts but is comfortable, preferably not overly expensive but also something that isn’t too “plain and boring”. Does it exist? Have bought a few but finding the support is completely lacking :( Thank you!
TW: miscarriage/fertility My husband and I (early 30s) have two children, 9 & 8, both kids we fell pregnant with within a month of trying and had no issues throughout either pregnancy. We have been trying for a third baby for the past 2 1/2 years and have had nothing but losses, even after...
Surprise pregnancy at 40yrs ! Mum of 2 teenagers with 50 50 shared care. So, this was 1 in a trillion risk with big fertility issues with my partner , for yrs he had big problems with fertility and told he couldnt have kids. I was half broken also with ectopic 2 yrs ago that almost killed me. Now i...
I’m four days late for my period and pregnancy test is negative. Is there any other reason why a period might be late? I’m usually as regular as clockwork, every 28 days on the dot. Had unprotected sex on the 6th September and again on the 19th. Period was due on the 18th. Is it simply too early to...
Hi. Ok here goes I am 40, happily married with a 12 and 14 year old, have a fantastic corporate career that includes travel that I’ve worked hard for and I’ve just found out I’m pregnant. We definitely were not trying and it comes as a major shock. I just don’t know if I can do it, I am already...
Hi ladies, thank you in advance for your time. I had an appointment today where my obstetrician told me before scanning that my hcg levels were extremely high (295,000+ at 8.5 weeks) and he was expecting to find twins. He then only found one baby. Being me, I googled why else the levels could be so...
Hi all! As part of my research project for my masters of clinical psychology I'm looking into the experience of mothers in the postnatal period. If you fit the criteria below and could spare some time to complete the survey that would be amazing! Feel free to pass it on to anyone you think might be...