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Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello ladies. First of all, I apologize for the long read. It's not really a question I guess. A guy I know just recently lost his wife to cancer about 3 months ago, and we started talking to each other. I've known him for quite sometime and his was was a very sweet woman. He started talking to me...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I have two children (boys) aged 7 and 9. Their father took his life a week ago. My children had not seen him in 12 months. My eldest child’s birthday is in a few days and then Christmas. I have decided to wait until after Christmas to tell them because there was no plans for them to see him. Can...
Kristy, a few mums from another page & myself have had a thought after the tragic little baby girl found on the Gold Coast Beach, who it turns out was homeless living on the streets with her parents and a sibling. We dont know all the infomation surrounding this story but we want to be able to...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Good evening ladies. I’m wanting some advise on how to help my daughter. My daughter is 15, last year, she lost a school friend of the same age to suicide, (and no it wasn’t from bullying). It’s coming up to the 1 year anniversary this week. Last week was his birthday and she said they all got...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hey Sisters/brothers, I need to vent so feel free to scroll on. This year had been so challenging and I feel like after supporting everyone in my life who I love as they go through their own stuff that I have very little emotional energy left for me. I believe that we teach people how to treat us...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hey ladies. We have recently lost my father in our family . We have two kids 8 and 5 , they have never been to a funeral let alone experienced death of the human family , only aninal family . What are your throughs on taking kids to funerals and not taking them ? Really unsure on which way to go...
Anon Imperfect Mum
I just found out I'm pregnant and so did my best friend. However she's found out she is either miscarrying or may have other issues which has caused the positive tests. Im so sad for her cause she was so excited and so was I. She really wanted another baby. I'm not sure what to do or say and I feel...
Anon Imperfect Mum
ok IM's so my ex and i split nearly over three years ago but we were together for 7 and a half years. i just found out by my ex's sister that his father had died last week ( my childrens grandfather) from lung cancer. is it wrong of me to feel hurt that i was not told? my kids were told but were...
Anon Imperfect Mum
What can I do? Trigger Warning My partner recently discovered his family member had committed suicide. None of his family were there to witness this. I was present but didn’t see much as my partner sent me away as soon as he saw. We have just got to a good spot after having a baby and dealing with...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi Village, last year my Mum (64) was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. She has lost a lot of weight and finds difficulty in simple tasks. She's in the hospital at the minute, my sister found her unresponsive, she had a severe lung infection. My daughter (8 years old) loves her...