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Wednesday, 10 May 2017 - 11:33
Hi everyone To make a super long story short- we have been saving for our house deposit and our current rent has just been raised 25%. The other rental properties in our area are 450pw minimum for 1-2 bedroom and 650 to 800 for the basic 3-4 bedroom home. We cannot afford this rent increase and if...
Wednesday, 10 May 2017 - 07:32
Hi imperfect mum's my daughter is 2 she has hearing aids as she has mild to moderate hearing loss, she was born 11 weeks early any way she is on track with everything apart from her speech it's a little bit behind anyway she has a cousin basically the same age as her and he is talking in 3word...
Tuesday, 9 May 2017 - 14:31
I'm 5 months into my second pregnancy. My first child is disabled both physically and mentally and he is 6 years old. he still takes up a lot of my time. Anyway this pregnancy was very much wanted and planned but now that it's all becoming real I'm stressing out. I've had morning sickness horribly...
Monday, 8 May 2017 - 21:50
Ok mumma's I need your help!! I've read about 'Time out' for toddlers, from leaving your child in a quiet area, to locking them in a room, to sitting with them in a quiet space and reading a book or doing a puzzle etc. Can you please give me your 'time out' strategies and what works best for you...
Monday, 8 May 2017 - 21:35
Hi all I'm a single mum to a beautiful little girl who is 18 months. It has become very hard to cope with everything. I am becoming so tired and i can't handle her tantrums, she is always happy with my family but when it's just me she just becomes sooky and wants me all the time. I can't get...
Sunday, 7 May 2017 - 14:53
I've recently become a step-mum to my partners 3 year old daughter. I hate it. I feel like I'm putting in a lot emotionally, fincancially and timewise, and getting nothing out of it. I don't know any other step-parents and I'm feeling so lost and confused. I want to know, does it get any better?...
Saturday, 6 May 2017 - 10:38
Just wondering if this is just me or others are the same. I hate pregnancy, i dont enjoy newborns (i find them cute but dont do well with constant lack of sleep and feedings), lack if sleep makes me a monster. i do not enjoy the toddler years. When the child turns 4 i love it, communication is...
Friday, 5 May 2017 - 10:06
I don't feel attached to my son. He is almost 10, I have been a single parent for majority of this time. It has had its ups and downs as most families do. I am finding myself feeling guilty a lot of late. He kind of does his own thing, and is quite independent. I feel like I don't pay him any...
Wednesday, 3 May 2017 - 13:13
Not sure what I'm hoping to achieve by this. I am just so exhausted. I'm a single mum of 4 children (7, nearly 6, nearly 5 and 4months). 7 year old has different father. Her father and his partner are horrible :( for the past 4ish years the partner has pushed herseld further and further into our...
Monday, 1 May 2017 - 18:23
I'm a single mum with no family or close friends near by. My children get sick often and the germs often get passed between them, meaning it's not unusual for me to have a 4 to 5 days at a time of sick children. I've tried numerous things to boost their immune systems and I thought it would improve...